The formation of a correct posture in children

The formation of the correct posture of children largely depends on the environment. In the duties of the parents, as well as the staff of the preschool and school institutions within to observe the correct position of the children when standing, seating and walking, as well as use the exercises that develop, mainly, the muscles of the back, the legs and the abdomen. This is to ensure that the child is developing natural corset muscle.

On the spine and its evolution

The vertebral column (spine) is an essential part of the axis of the human skeleton and consists of 33-34 vertebrae, which are joined together by ligaments and joints.

In the womb to maternal and child health of the spine is seen as the uniform of an arc. When you see the baby, his spine straightens, and becomes practically a straight line. Precisely, from his birth begins to form the posture. If you have the ability to retention of the head which the state raises, in the cervical region of the spinal column of the baby gradually produces forward bending, the so-called cervical lordosis. If the time has come, when the child is already able to sit, in the division of your spine also shape of the curve, only backward (kyphosis). And if the child starts to walk, in the lumbar region, with the time, form the curve with the bulge that points forward. Is the lumbar lordosis. That is why it is important to take a control further the proper training of children posture.


About the presence and their violations

Posture is the ability of the human to maintain their body in a variety of positions. It is the correct and the incorrect.

The position is considered correct, if the taste is worthy of the person, being in common for him to posture, does not make unnecessary assets of tension and keeps the head and body straight. In addition to this, he has an easy walk, slightly lowered and reserved for behind the shoulders, forward facing the chest, smooth belly and legs, straight in knees.

If not the presence of people is not able to sustain your body, therefore, as a general rule, it's worth it and moves on semi-bent legs, lowering the head and shoulders, and having brought forth the womb. With this posture, it disrupts the normal functioning of internal organs.

A variety of alterations of the posture, either slouching, lordosis, kyphosis, or scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine) – fairly common in children of preschool and primary school. Basically, it's about the kids, or physically weakened, or suffering from any chronic illness, because they were sick of serious illness in early childhood.

The prevention of violations of posture

The prevention of any type of disorders related to the posture, it must be comprehensive and should be based on the following principles.

With proper nutrition.

Continuously develops the body of a child throughout the growth needed in the nutrient load. The power must be full and varied, as this depends on the proper development of muscles and bones.

The motor activity.

Are very important to the health of children in the posture of physical activities, aquatic sports (in particular, walking, skiing and swimming, the gymnastics, as well as tourism, active, outdoor play, etc, you Must keep in mind that if the physical development should not be forcing a child to commit sudden and rapid loads.

The mode of the day.

To avoid problems with posture not only it is necessary to arrange the mode, day (walk, sleep, waking, feeding, etc), but, strictly, without making any exception, for example, on the weekends.

Comfortable kids room.

  • The room should have lighting. More of a table lamp should be equipped with children's desk.
  • The height of the table should be adapted to the growth of the child. There are also special desks that are designed to correct the posture of the student.
  • The chair should repeat the curves of the body. The truth, instead of orthopedics, the chair can be put behind the back at the lumbar level of the roller in addition to a regular chair. The height of the chair, ideally, should be equal to the height of the shin. Use a support for feet, if they do not take up the floor.
  • The child should sit so that your back is supported on the backrest of the chair, and the head is inclined slightly forward, and between the body and the table easily passed the palm of the hand the edge. When you feel you must not remove the feet underneath of me, because this can lead to curvature of the spine and to the violation of the circulation of the blood.
  • In the crib should be smooth and solid mattress. Thanks to this kind of child's weight is distributed evenly, and the muscles maximum relax after the vertical position of the trunk throughout the day. Do not allow the child slept on a soft surface. This causes the formation of incorrect curvature of the spine during sleep. In addition, the soft mattress stimulates the overheating of the discs, in relation to which it disturbs the thermo-regulation. As to the children of the pillow, it should be flat and to be exclusively under the head, and not below the shoulders.

Competent to the correction of the shoes.

Correct, accurate and timely selection of children's footwear allows parents to avoid and eliminate many of the problems, such as functional shortening of the limb, caused by violations of the position and / or the compensation of the defects of the foot (club foot and flat feet).

The uniform distribution of the loads.

It is known that it is very likely that in the school age, when children observe the fast growth of bone and muscle mass, which, unfortunately, acquire the curvature of the spine. This occurs because at this age spine of a child is not suited to the high load. Parents should try not to overload the child when worn them backpack, the backpack, or purse. Remember that according to the weight that allows to raise a child, it is the 10% of the total body weight.

The back of the backpack school should be level and firm, its width should not be greater than the width of the shoulders. Also, the backpack should not hang below the waist, as well as the ring should be smooth and wide, adjustable in length. It is not valid for a long time the use of heavy bags on one shoulder, which is especially important for girls. In this case, the curvature of the spinal column to them may be an unavoidable problem.

In terms of the correct transfer of loads, it is known that extending a hand to take the weight and the lift – it is a huge load on the spine, and so should not be done. Correct would be to first sit down with the smooth surface of the back and, then, take, tighten the chest, to lift and carry. And as an advice to parents: even if you do not follow this rule, you will teach your child.

The formation of a correct posture

To stimulate growth and develop the muscles of the child, you can safely start from the moment of his birth. So his growth and his power will be faster to develop. For infants, a perfect assistant in this is a massage (by a doctor).

A child at age of 2-3 months, you can start doing exercises in the training of the muscle groups responsible for maintaining the body in the correct position. For this purpose it will be sufficient to support the palms of raising a child, taking it from the position of lying down in the position "up", after which little to support her weight. In this position, the muscles and joints of the baby will move to train all the muscles of the group.

After 1.5 years in the form of a game with the child, you can begin to do gymnastics. Together we can "chop wood", "cat" rounding the back, "pumping water", walk on a line drawn, as if on a tightrope, roll on the ground, going through an obstacle course, etc, you Can ask the child to represent a bird: lie on the belly, "spread the wings" (to separate the hands to the sides) and have at the ankles of the feet.

The posture of the child is formed before puberty. During all this time, you must follow your training. If the child has already emerged to a certain violation, before this period, it can be corrected. The child must attend to an orthopedist, when he was in accounting and pass all the available types of treatment. This can be a therapeutic exercise, swimming, massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, as well as surgical treatment (according to indications).


To form a correct posture in children, as well as the prevention of their violations in the process of occupation of the morning, gymnastics, physical culture, and during those minutes in the home and, mainly, in day care centers and schools, you can use different exercises. Below are examples of such exercises.

  • A child is in a standing or walking by the trunk.
  • Holding him by the back ring, the child makes the effect of the tilt from side to side.
  • Taking in hands a stick, the child is placed in a squatting position, standing in socks.
  • Separates the fingers of his hands, the child makes that leans back.
  • Put your feet apart and hands a stick, the child, with the back arched, it makes you lean forward.
  • The child lifts the legs up, lying on his back.
  • The child crawls on four legs.
  • The child, while maintaining correct posture, walk, hold any load in the head.
  • Stuck in the hands of a child holding a stick by the ends and raise your hands up, make a stick to the back, after which the removal of the inclinations to the left and to the right.
  • Using a horizontal bar or Swedish of the wall, the child, hardly gripping with the hands the head, flexes the legs at a right angle and is in this position for a few seconds.
  • Being in the standing position with the feet together, hands down", the child refuses the right leg backwards, and the hands arc from side to side, and it freezes, then repeats the exercise with the left leg.
  • Lying on the back, the child with the help of the foot "rotates the pedals of the bicycle" or "scissors".
  • Being in the womb, the baby lifts up bent in the knees legs, hugs the ankle with the hands and begins to move like a ship on the waves.
  • Standing before the mirror, the child, alternating first viola, and then corrects the posture.
  • The child becomes the wall of five points (back of the head, the buttocks, the calf and the heel). These points are the main curves of our body to the outside and in the standard must be in contact with the wall. After this, it performs a series of movements, for example squats, bench press, or the raising of hands and feet to the sides, the tension of the muscles in an average of 5 seconds.


Dear parents, remember and talk to your child, "Sit down," of course, is necessary, but not sufficient. Start to worry about the health of their children still "from the cradle" and make sure you take the time to practice with them. An important moment in the formation of the correct posture of the child is the personal example. Perform the exercises with the baby, keep the back straight and greetings!