Back pain in the area of the rear part of the ribs

Has a pain in the back below the ribs? This is an opportunity to strengthen the surveillance, because this symptom may indicate many diseases. Therefore, when you see the symptom, it is not worth the slight to your health. We're going to see more – that this may be due to pay attention to.

For a start, you should understand exactly how they appeared the sensations of pain – in the background of complete well-being physical health and rest, and after strenuous physical exertion, food intake, or cold in the body.

The common causes of pain in the back below the ribs

Pain below the ribs appears when many of the diseases of the various systems and organs of human. It can often be the result of recent injury or post-operative complications. Therefore, in order to understand to what doctor to go to, it is necessary to correctly identify what could cause a pain syndrome.

The cause may be:

  • the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the pancreas, the gallbladder, the liver;
  • enlargement of the spleen, caused by conditions of chronic and acute infections, autoimmune disorders, anemiyami and other pathologies;
  • lesions in the liver and/or spleen;
  • subdiaphragmatic abscess;
  • disease of various of the urinary system;
  • the osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • retroperitoneal haematoma;
  • pathology neuro-endocrine regulation.

Self-diagnostics to aid in the diagnosis

To reduce a bit the list of the diseases that may cause the pain below the ribs, should be far more detail arising out of annoyances:

  • To determine the most accurate way to the localization of the pain syndrome;
  • Define with precision the path of the irradiation of the pain – that is to say, the point at which it is applied;
  • Set the intensity of the painful sensations;
  • Evaluate the nature of pain – heart attack or permanent, sharp or dull, stabbing;
  • If possible, determine the factors that increase the sensitivity – the coughing, the sneezing, the depth of our, jerky movements;
  • Determine, which reduces the intensity of the pain or totally remove your – heat, cold, anti-spasmodic, analgesic, a certain position of the body;
  • If you have a back pain in the area of the ribs, this can be repeated with a certain periodicity. You can try to establish, who exactly contributes to the onset of pain to time of day, physical exercise, relationship with food intake.

It should be added that when the back is a pain below the ribs, an important role in the diagnosis of exercise and other symptoms. This includes the increase of the temperature of the body, fever, nausea, vomiting.

A careful analysis of the sensations in combination with the features identified above, the disease and the prehistory of the development of the pain syndrome will help you to determine exactly what specialist should be consulted.

In addition, to examine in detail all the characteristics of the painful sensation and the description of your doctor, can help much to establish a precise diagnosis.

the pain in the back

Possible diseases

The drawbacks that turn the body, it is too sharp change of the position or the lifting of weights can cause pain in the lower back, which is called the lumbago. Very often, low back pain is a symptom of a disease, such as low back pain.

When this pain syndrome is different intensity, with the typical distribution in the buttock and/or leg. In the case of sciatica, the cause of the pain can serve cold or physical exercise. And its strengthening is often related to the change of position of the body, the inclination.

In addition, pain in this area of the body can be characteristic of a manifestation of the neuralgia is of an inflammatory nature. When such a violation of the intensity of the pain increase with a deep breath, and movement.

If you are concerned about the left hypochondrium

There are many variants as to why you can hurt the back of the left side below the ribs. As a general rule, it is connected with diseases of the respiratory system, disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, osteochondrosis, urolithiasis and other diseases.

Pneumonia in the lower part or the middle part of the lung, chronic bronchitis. In combination with the characteristic signs of diseases of the respiratory system – cough, shortness of breath, increase of temperature, the violation of breath – you should consult a specialist.

Pain under the rib with the left side of the body may testify about diseases of the kidneys. When acute or chronic form of inflammation of kidney disease increases, which causes the stretching of the capsule. In this situation, the attacks are going to be constants, not very strong, with more reminiscent of the feeling of heaviness in the lumbar area.

The spasms gladkomyshechnoy of the musculature of the urinary tract. In this case, the pain will be similar to the kidney pain. Has an attack of character, occurs in the groin area and the genitals. Retracts spazmoliticheskimi medications and the heat.

The osteochondrosis pain sensation can have a different character. Often patients annoying painful sensation after a night of sleep or a long stay of the body in the same position. Attacks can be hard and shoots spikes.

With the deviations in the work of the kidneys must be consult the doctor if the signs of the kidneys often have to go to a surgeon. The treatment of osteochondrosis is dedicated to an orthopedist and a neurologist.

On rare occasions, when the myocardial infarction, if defeat in posterolateral-basal departments of the heart muscle, the unpleasant sensations can arise in the area of the left side of the edge. Myocardial infarction pain syndrome characterized by a burning sensation, high intensity and inefficiency of analgesics.

If you are concerned about the right upper quadrant

As you know, right below the flap to be on the liver. In consequence, the greater part of the problems in this place correlates precisely with that body. Therefore, if you suffer from lower back pain right below the ribs – this may indicate inflammation of the liver and acute or chronic.

In addition to liver problems, pain in the right upper quadrant can be a sign of problems with the gallbladder and bile pathways. Especially in diseases such as the occurrence of pain after the intake of fat and/or fried food.

If the pain below the ribs on the right side is complemented by symptoms such as bitterness in the mouth, nausea, vomiting is a symptom of an acute pancreatitis, that is to say, of the disease of the pancreas.

In addition, the pain below the ribs on the right can indicate inflammation lower departments of the right lung, the inflammatory diseases of small intestine or of disorders in the functioning of the right kidney.

It is noteworthy that the as well known illness such as appendicitis can start with pain in the area, which little by little moves in the right part of the abdomen.

Therefore, before attempting to diagnose itself one way or the other disease, it is very important to evaluate the whole set of signs. Only after carefully analyzing all the symptoms, you can understand what is the nature of the attacks.

Whereas, between the above-described state is quite serious pathology – they must treat such headaches with a lot of care. Since the self-medication analgesics only "will be" the problem, but does not decide. Therefore, the best thing you can do in these cases is to consult a doctor.

Pain in the right side of the back, with the back

the pain in the side

The pain in the right side of the user, which manifests itself with the back is a symptom that can indicate a multitude of illnesses, even serious. If the patient comes to a specialist on time, this will allow you to avoid the worst complications and get the proper treatment.

When pain occurs?

The pain in the right side of the user experienced in the area of the back is a symptom of the emergence of one of the following diseases.

Diseases of the respiratory system:

  • pleural effusion ("dry");
  • pneumonia;
  • pneumothorax;
  • cancer of the bronchi, the lungs.

Diseases of the digestive system:

  • the cramping;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • the appendicitis.

Diseases of the urinary system:

  • zabryushinnaya hematoma;
  • mild hydronephrosis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • the pyelonephritis;
  • the abscess of the kidney;
  • renal colic.

The defeat of the spinal column, the spinal cord:

  • the osteochondrosis;
  • spondilez;
  • the hernia.

The list of possible diseases that may occur pain in the side, behind, long enough. Insurance that is worth paying attention to the nature of the painful sensations that accompany the symptoms.

Diseases of the respiratory system

Pain in the right side of the user, which is manifested with the back, belong to the number of the characteristic signs of the pathologies of the respiratory system.

Inflammation of the pleura (pleural effusion) is ekssudativnym and dry, in both cases, it can be said sudden pain when you breathe. When purulent form of severe headaches on the right, is added to faulty breathing with the affected of the face. Service report form cutting attacks of pain upon movement, coughing.

The inflammation of the lungs (right-hand pneumonia), accompanied by symptoms such as increased temperature, wheezing in the lungs, the cough. The intensity of the pain is very variable.

The spontaneous pneumothorax gives a sharp flash of pain that is felt in the shoulder.

The cancer of lung, bronchus – of the disease, which are own to pull the pain, the back right, also is it possible to capture the scapula, right shoulder. The syndrome is activated, which increases the tumor, in the process of movement, coughing, breathing.

Diseases of the digestive system

problems with digestion

The pain, which is centered on the right side of the back, it may indicate that the problems related to the digestive system.

Acute cholecystitis is a disease in which the pain is centered in the rib, may be given in the area, over the shoulder, the paddle, the right shoulder. In some cases, also binds to the sensation of burning in the lower part of the back. The duration of an attack can last from a few days up to several hours. Additional symptoms – the increase of temperature, the attacks of vomiting.

Acute appendicitis can also cause pain in the right side of the user in the rear. This rare symptom appears, if appendikulyarnyy the stem is located behind the cecum, increased in size.

Diseases of the urinary system

Many of the diseases of the kidneys are able to cause back pain in the right side of the user.

Glomerulonephritis, mild hydronephrosis, abscess of kidney and other diseases are marked, clumsy and acute pain. The pain grows, if it is pressed in the lumbar area.

Renal colic a sharp pain, this symptom can indicate a thrombosis of the renal artery.

The problems of the spinal cord, spine

The hernia, osteochondrosis, crushing of the nerve root – all of these problems can cause a sharp pain, right at the back. To not confuse the pathology of the spine with other diseases, it is worthwhile to explore other symptoms. In the back there is a feeling of tightness, pain attack intensifies with the movement, it gives on the thorax, the extremities, the groin area. It is also possible the appearance of numbness, "chills".

It expresses the pain may be possible if the crisis of the scapula, ribs to the right. It is activated when you cough, inspires a deep, of the movements.

How to calculate a "sick organ"?

Often people who suffer from pain, centered on the right side of the back, are not, to what specialist to go to, with what authority is related to a problem. Of course, with accuracy in diagnosis is able to decide only the specialist after you complete the survey.

However, there is one thing you can count on deployment, the intensity and the nature of the pain attacks:

  • Right below the spatula. It is possible that the problem is neurological in nature, is the result of a pinching of the nerve. You can also suspect of lung disease: pneumonia, pleurisy, lung cancer.
  • Under the ribs. Here are the liver and the pancreas, is the gallbladder. The pathology of any of these organs can be a source of pain. When prolonged pains of the liver, was checked in the first place.
  • To the right, in the central part. It is likely that the problem is related to the diseases of the kidneys.
  • At the bottom of the back right. Pain attacks can indicate the pathology and injuries of the spine, herniated. It is also likely that failures occur in the urinary system. In this latter situation, the pain is not relieved in any position.

The back pain right side can bother the person and in the morning. Possible problems that cause a sensation of pain after awakening, it is not valid, the mattress, the muscular dystrophy.

Is it necessary to call an ambulance?

There are diseases that require emergency treatment, in some cases, it is a surgical intervention. Often, the life of the patient depends directly on the speed with which it reaches medical assistance. Sure that it is worth calling an ambulance, if appear the symptom such as sudden, unexpected pain that you experience in the right part of the back. Additional symptoms – weakness, fainting, dizziness.

In any case, you can not by himself to appoint himself to medicine, without passing by the examining doctor. In the most extreme case, you can use anesthesia to avoid a symptom. However, to get rid of pain is only possible after the removal of the causes of its appearance.

Most of these chronic problems, and the sick person, already accustomed to any sensation in the back, explaining the exacerbation of the chronic state of the osteochondrosis. As a general rule, so be it, however, there are other causes.