It hurts Me to the tenderloin – what to do? Why can pain the kidneys?

The back pain occurs quite frequently. Patients say "I have a sore back", "trapped the kidneys", "a shot in the back". If the pain is inconsiderate, they can say, "bankruptcy the kidneys", "strip back", "complaint lomo". Sometimes the pain is described as a burning sensation in the lower part of the back.

Lower back is called the lower part of the back, is the place where you end up the ribs, to the tailbone. Perhaps, a single word to refer to the waist took just to indicate the place in which it hurts. After all, if it hurts your back, in most cases, it hurts to know back.

hurts my back

What can be a pain in the lower back

Often back pain occurs suddenly, abruptly and is severe. In this case it speaks of a low back pain (inherited a common name - a shot). The pain is described as sharp, "stabbing". The movement bound, sometimes even impossible, to straighten the back. In any movement of the pain intensifies.

Pain may last for a couple of minutes and can last over a considerable period of time (several days). It may be that in an attack to pass, and the pain is no longer remembered, but often, the pain returns and the person is usually that the back can hurt.

The pain in the lower back can not only be acute (court), which could be the character and be chronic. Slack, but the constant feeling of pain in the lower part of the back, sometimes aggravated, for example, during physical exercise, infectious disease, hypothermia, etc, are referred to as region lumbar. Sometimes the pain does not exist, but in the lower part of the back keeps the rigidity, the patient is experiencing discomfort.

The causes of pain in the lower back

The back pain may be due to several reasons, however, the statistics here is the following:

  • in 90% of cases the pain is caused by problems with the spinal column and the muscles of the back;
  • in the 6% of the cause of the pain is the disease of the kidneys;
  • 4% - diseases of other internal organs (urinary, intestinal).

In the part of the spine accounted for the majority of cases of pain in the lower back, and it is not by chance. In the man the body's center of gravity is located at the level of the waist, and walking virtually all of the burden falls entirely on the lumbar spine (in the animals walk on four legs, don't have that problem). And when a person sits down, the vertebrae of the lumbar area and the sacrum experience the same force of pressure that a scuba diver crushes 170 meters of the water layer. Naturally, this area is especially vulnerable.

Diseases of the locomotor apparatus, cause pain in the lower part of the back:

  • sciatic nerve crush. The nerve roots, the spinal cord, compressed the adjacent vertebrae. When there is this sharp, stabbing pain. As a general rule, the crushing of the roots is made possible due to degenerative changes in the spine (osteochondrosis): the spinal discs that separate the vertebrae airport is destroyed, the space between the vertebrae to narrow, and of a strong movement (tilt, rotation) can cause jam nervous of the branch;
  • sciatic (sciatica). The pinched nerve roots become inflamed. The inflammation of the nerve root is called sciatica (from lat. radicula - "the spine"); to refer to the inflammation of the sciatic nerve, sometimes use a special name - the sciatica. The defeat of the sciatica can be seen lumboischalgia - pain in the lower back, is spreading also in the buttock and leg of the march of the sciatic nerve;
  • disc herniation - the protrusion of a fragment of intervertebral disk into the spinal canal. Occurs as a result of an injury or degenerative changes of the spine (degenerative disc disease);
  • myositis of the lumbar muscles. Myositis is an inflammation of the skeletal muscles. The cause of the myositis of the lumbar muscles may be cold or sudden tension.

Also the back pain can be caused by diseases such as multiple sclerosis, degenerative sacroiliitis, osteoporosis.

The prevention of low back pain

The appearance of pain in the lower back often caused negligent attitude of their own health. The pain may be caused by:

  • prolonged in the same position (for example, when sitting on the work table);
  • incorrect posture;
  • the low mobility;
  • the excess of exercise.

All these factors favour the development of diseases that manifest with pain in the lower back. The risk of the occurrence of pain can be reduced, if they comply with the following tips for physicians:

  • be sure to position;
  • avoid awkward postures at work sitting. It is desirable, so that your knees are slightly above the joint of hip. To do this, use the under of the chair or on the support underneath the legs. Place a small pillow between lower back and the backrest of the seat;
  • when sedentary work necessary in the time of waking up restless. Then each time the breaks of five minutes, the right way to lift weights
  • sleep is desirable in an orthopedic mattress (elastic and quite hard);
  • lifting weights is needed by the flexion of the joints of the knee, and not your back. That is to say, it is necessary to crouch, bend your knees, and then straighten, while maintaining smooth line of the back;
  • moving the load should be distributed evenly between the two hands, carrying the entire load in one hand (a heavy bag);
  • every day you should do a series of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back.

Pain in the lower part of the back to diseases of the kidneys

When the back pain is important to determine its cause - the pathology of the locomotor apparatus, or kidney disease (as well as other internal organs). The diagnosis should be perform the doctor. However, there are indications that allow to assume that the pain can be due to kidney problems or other organ of the urinary system. In the manifestation of the data of the symptoms it is advisable to go immediately to a urologist. Kidney disease (or wider of the urinary system) may be suspected if the back pain is accompanied by:

  • general aggravation of well-being (apathy, drowsiness, weakness, fatigue);
  • the gland of the eyelids, face,. The swelling is especially expressed in the morning after waking up, and falls to the sunset;
  • the increase in body temperature, chills, sweating;
  • the loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • acceleration of the pulse or painful to urinate;
  • the change of the characteristics of the urine (may be more concentrated color or vice versa - it is colorless, contain mucus or blood);
  • the increase in blood pressure.

Also an important indicator that the back pain is caused by problems in the internal organs, and not to the locomotor system, is its independence of the position of the body: the change of the position of the body and pain of the limb does not increase and does not decrease. However, when long-term is in a standing position in the pathology check the pain can increase. Has the value and the location of the pain. In case of kidney disease pain more often observed on one side (as it normally undergoes only one kidney). Kidney, the pain may not be limited to the lower part of the back, and extending up ureter, in the groin, external genitalia, on the inner surface of the thighs.

It hurts Me to the spine: what to do?

Low back pain is a symptom of a disease that requires treatment. Therefore, you should consult a doctor. But in the case of a sudden heart attack, acute pain ("lumbago", typical of the radiculitis), first of all, it is necessary to loosen the pain syndrome. Doctors advise:

  • use easy heat. Tie in the back, wool scarf or belt of wool;
  • take a pain reliever;
  • take the pose, which allows to relax the muscles of the back. It is recommended that you lie down on your back, on a flat surface (the table); the feet must be picked up and flex the knees, put a blanket rolled blanket or a pillow. (On the floor lying down is undesirable, you can blow the draft).

The proposal of the pose - is not a dogma. The patient should feel relief, therefore, are possible to other positions; for example, lying in the slate of put-in-itself bent in the knees legs, holding between them the pillow. You can try to lie down on the belly and be able to stretch your legs, placing it on the roller under the ankle joints. If the acuteness of the pain he could take, this does not mean that the doctor no longer needs. Without the proper treatment of the attacks are repeated, and the situation in general - to get worse.

It hurts Me to the back to do

To what doctor to go to with the complaint of pain in the lower back?

When the pain in the lower back, it is best to consult a doctor-therapist, as it is necessary to first determine the disease of the relevant organs of the cause of pain. Based on the results of the inspection, may require the consultation of a medical specialist. May be appointed:

  • consultation doctor-a neurologist - to assess the condition of the spine, the back muscles and the nervous system;
  • consultation doctor-urologist - in case of suspicion of the disease in various of the urinary system;
  • the consultation of the gynecologist - if it is suspected or the presence of chronic diseases of the organs of the female system sex;
  • the general analysis of blood and urine tests to confirm or exclude inflammatory nature of the disease;
  • the x-ray of the spine ;
  • Ultrasound of the hip joints ;
  • as well as other studies.