Back pain in the lumbar area: potential causes, treatment

The sensation of pain in the lower back is common, the symptoms in the modern world. Almost all people was with her. It has been observed that often suffers from back pains in the lumbar area to the residents of urban areas. And suffer from a bad symptom in a greater extent to the women. There is the opinion that the discomfort in the lower back occurs in the elderly. Scientists from denmark totally refuted. According to their research, unpleasant syndrome appears in childhood or adolescence. With the passage of time, it simply intensifies. Therefore, it is very important to respond promptly to early warning signs and begin treatment of the pathology.

back pain in the lumbar area

The possible causes of the discomfort

You should know that not only women have back pain in the lumbar area. Unpleasant symptoms di i affects many men. Given that in the occurrence of pain affecting the conditions in which the person lives, the profession and, without doubt, the attitude towards life.

Doctors, in view of the numerous complaints of the patients, presented the list of simple reasons why you are suffering from back pain in the lumbar area:

  • obesity;
  • weakness of the muscles of the trunk;
  • the high-growth;
  • physical inactivity;
  • heavy physical work;
  • pregnancy;
  • specific profession (for example, driver);
  • some sports (swimming, weightlifting, ice hockey);
  • personality disorder (hysteria, hypochondria), and depression;
  • the work, which requires them to make frequent turns of the trunk and of the inclinations.

The sources that gave rise to the unpleasant pain syndrome in the lumbar region, are quite varied. Many of them do not represent a danger. However, there are those that are in need of urgent and adequate treatment.

The diseases that trigger the occurrence of pain in the lower back

The reasons that lead to the onset of symptoms, dozens of. There are, however, to clarify: if the bad back pain in the lumbar area, is a source of discomfort, probably, is hiding in the disease. Naturally, this is subject to an early treatment. Don't forget that the first step to the solution of unpleasant feeling is to determine the cause of the back pain in the lumbar area.

Doctors unpleasant syndrome divided into:

  1. Primary. It includes disorders of the locomotor apparatus. This diseases associated with degenerate-dystrophic lesions of the spine.
  2. High school. In this case, the painful of the discomfort caused by different pathologies.

Primary syndrome are the following diseases:

  1. The osteochondrosis. Occurs bone and cartilage. These changes are of a dystrophic nature. Breaks off the intervertebral disk and adjacent vertebrae.
  2. Spondiloarthrosis. It is a form of osteoarthritis. Occurs the defeat of the intervertebral joints, which are responsible for the mobility of the spine. These people usually complain that it is more likely that the morning back pain in the lumbar area.

Secondary to the syndrome of doctors carry a large variety of causes of discomfort:

  1. The scoliosis, as well as other disorders related to growth.
  2. The defeat of the bones, caused by the violation of the metabolism. This includes osteomalacia, osteoporosis.
  3. The inflammatory processes of the holders of non-communicable nature. Unpleasant syndrome can be caused by the syndrome of Reuter's, the disease behtereva or rheumatoid arthritis.
  4. Tumor, localized in the vertebrae (primary or caused by metastases).
  5. The fracture of the vertebrae. It is a very serious cause of an acute discomfort.
  6. Infectious diseases of different types, which can lead to the defeat of the vertebrae or intervertebral discs: tuberculosis, brucellosis, epidural abscess.
  7. The state of a stroke. As a result of it causes an acute violation of spinnomozgovogo the circulation of the blood. The phenomenon, often causes the sensation of pain in the lower back.
  8. Gastro-intestinal diseases. For example, if you suffer from back pain in the right lumbar area, you can go on the acute appendicitis atypical course. Unpleasant leads to symptoms of bowel obstruction.
  9. Diseases of the organs found in the pelvis (diseases of the kidneys, nervous system).
pathology men

The pathology of men

The representatives of the stronger sex really hurts my back in the lumbar area as a result of the following causes:

  1. The prostatitis. The pathology is characterized by inflammatory process in the prostate.
  2. The malignant tumors. Can be observed in men after the age of 50.
  3. The hyperplasia of the genital organs. In this case, there occurs proliferation of the cells and pain occurs, moves in the waist area, the back, the lower part of the womb.

The causes of the woman

Beautiful floor you may experience discomfort for reasons of:

  1. Gynecological pathology. The pain can cause fibroid, gonorrhea, adhesive disease. Source of discomfort may be: ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, fibroid, trichomoniasis.
  2. The menstrual cycle. The pain is explained by the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. In consequence, women experience a pulling pain in the lower back and is faced with the appearance of the swelling.
  3. Pregnancy. In the body to produce the characteristic changes. Therefore, many expectant mothers experience an unpleasant discomfort.

The back pain is caused by pregnancy

A pregnant woman often experience an unpleasant discomfort. The doctors explain why it hurts your back in the lumbar area, as follows:

  1. The hormonal changes. It is known that in the body of the woman increases the level of relaxin. It leads to the relaxation of the ligaments and joints. As a result of such influence is not always can cope with the largest of them load.
  2. The increase of the fetus. Due to this natural phenomenon for the pregnant woman, there is a shift of the center of gravity. Accordingly, in the spine increases the work load.
back pain during pregnancy

The discomfort after childbirth

However, not only the pregnant women experience the unpleasant condition. Some women complain of that, and after birth, back pain in the lumbar area. These symptoms can persist as a consequence of the following causes:

  1. The strong difference of the bone tissue, stretching of the muscles. During pregnancy occurs the movement of the internal organs. The ligaments, the child restraint systems, stretch. The majority of the organs are fixed to the. That is why after childbirth can cause pain in the lower back.
  2. Occurs, the stretching of the muscles of the stomach. After delivery, they are still in a state of tension.
  3. The excess of weight, that the woman obtained during pregnancy.
  4. The divergence of the bones. This process occurs just prior to parturition. This helps protect the baby from injuries. The recovery period occurs in a different way. Therefore, very often, women realize that after giving birth back pain in the lumbar area.
  5. Of the injury. At the time of delivery, it may happen that certain violations. For example, the displacement of the joints.
  6. Loading of the spine. The first hour after birth, when the woman is not yet fully recovered, pain discomfort they can cause, the moving, the feeding, the use of bathing a newborn.

To be reconciled with the pain should not be. You should go to a doctor to determine the source of the discomfort. This will allow you to resolve in a timely manner unpleasant, the promoters of pain and factors pass the necessary treatment.

The causes of left side pain

Source of discomfort can be of the most varied condition. Sometimes it is the result of the permanence for a long time in an uncomfortable posture. And, in some cases tumor the process. Therefore, if you suffer from back pain in the lumbar region left, the cause of the pathology should not be sought for itself. You should consult a doctor.

The most common problems that occurs a left side discomfort, - pathology of the spine, such as curvature, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia.

However, often as a result of other pathologies hurts my back in the lumbar area left. The cause of the discomfort may be concluded in the following:

  1. Myositis. After a physical stress or hypothermia, an inflammation of the muscles. The discomfort is quite intense and makes it difficult to breathe deep. During the movement intensifies.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys. In this case, the pain usually pulling, the pain. Can indicate diseases such as mild hydronephrosis, nephroptosis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, and sometimes malicious education. If there is renal colic, the pain is sharp, strong character.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system. The pathology of the stomach, the liver, the intestine, the pancreas can cause the left side of the pain. Especially when it flows from disease in chronic form. If it is very acute back pain in the lumbar region left, and when you feel the tension of the muscle tissues of the abdomen, the symptoms can be a signal about the states of: intestinal obstruction or peritonitis.
  4. Pathology of the heart. Sometimes, the angina pectoris or myocardial infarction may cause discomfort in the lower back. As a general rule, the pain is felt under the left of the spatula in hand. Accompanying this pathology, the panic and the fear of death.

In addition to these reasons, the discomfort in the left panel of the back may be caused by pleurisy, pneumonia.

What should I do?

Pain syndrome is in the first place a danger signal. This is how the body gives to understand that there is a problem in the functioning of certain organs or systems. Therefore, ignore what should not be. In addition, it is very dangerous to self medicate. Given that the causes of the unpleasant upset, the crowd.

If you suffer from back pain in the lumbar area, that make? Initially, consult a doctor. If the discomfort is sharp, sharp, call the ambulance". In cases in which the source of the agony of state, was the fall or a heavy injury, it is recommended to go to the doctor.

If necessary, the therapist will guide you through the consultation to narrow experts:

  • the gastroenterologist;
  • the orthopedic surgeon;
  • proctologist, gynecologist;
  • the pulmonologist, cardiologist;
  • nephrologist, urologist.

Methods of treatment

Once you have identified the sources of discomfort, the doctor will prescribe a treatment. If you suffer from back pain in the lumbar area, to heal the pathology, can only be determined after the survey.

The methods of the appropriate therapy is completely dependent on the source of the disease:

methods of treatment
  1. Intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis. During the acute period of the patient, it is recommended that the compliance of the peace of mind. Benefits special dressing, which will decongest the kidneys. In addition, they are assigned to a procedure of medications: nsaids, analgesics, and blocking. The excellent results can be achieved thanks to physical therapy, or physiotherapy. In the absence of a positive effect, the patient may be recommended for surgery.
  2. Diseases of the sphere urogenital. To combat the diseases, such as urethritis, cystitis, inflammation of appendages, it is used the combination therapy. The patient is assigned Immunostimulants, antibiotics, drugs, vitamins, anti-inflammatory, hormones. The choice of medicines depends on the leaking of the fluid, the shape, the stage of the disease and the bodily features of the patient.
  3. Pathology gastrointestinal. The pain in the lumbar area can cause: appendicitis, pancreatitis, ulcers, enteritis, colitis. You should not try to organize a therapy, if the acute back pain in the lumbar area. That curing this condition, you could just say the doctor. When sudden and severe pain, you should call the ambulance". If there is a suspicion of pancreatitis, relieving the suffering of the patient medications "Drotaverine" or "no-spa".
  4. The disease of the kidneys. Often, these diseases is very bright. Therefore, an effective method of helping is to call "ambulance". When ailments of the kidneys are useful compote of cherry, cranberry.
  5. Pathology of the heart. If the pain begins in the left shoulder, he quickly covers the chest and is spreading rapidly in the left arm, back, leg, immediately call the ambulance". It is one of the distinguishing features of a myocardial infarction. Any delay is extremely dangerous.
  6. Childbirth pain. If the discomfort associated with the divergence of the bones, the woman may be assigned to the chiropractic. Normal massage will not bring relief. And in some situations is capable of doing harm. If a serious injury is lacking, the relief will bring the physical therapy. In addition, the young mothers were assigned special gymnastics.


Never irony and self-medication. Incorrect therapy can be very dangerous! Since every illness needs an individual approach. In addition, the treatment of a particular pathology can cause a violation of another organ or system. Therefore, you should not experiment with your health!!! Please to read and write to the specialists that will help you remove the unpleasant discomfort.