Set of exercises for the direct recovery of posture

The man with the straight back to attract looks of admiration in any company. Exercises for posture in the home will help any person who wishes to become the same. The class does not require large financial costs and the exhausting work. The secret of good posture lies exclusively in its desire to reach perfection.


A bad posture can be a result of hereditary diseases or injuries of the spine. But more often the cause of pathology is located in the incorrect position of the spine during the work, a way of life and lack of physical exercise. In the risk group are students, students, officials, workers, intellectuals, the seamstress, professional drivers.

The advantages of proper posture and the method of its verification

The advantages of correct posture obvious. The straight line of the back, neck and shoulders looks very good aesthetically. He is not speaking only of the physical health of the person, but also about their discipline, the ability to work on yourself, respect yourself and others. The partner of lisa's posture is "real" on-the-fly. Ideal back gives self-confidence and bring more competitive advantages.

Curved back and when it hangs the abdomen or speak about the laziness, or complete indifference of the surrounding. This not only looks ugly, but is dangerous to the health. Even a small curvature of the spine can cause:

  • dangerous pathologies of internal organs;
  • the violation of breathing;
  • the deceleration in blood flow in the extremities;
  • hypoxia of the tissues of the brain;
  • close the nerve endings.

The correct posture is characterized by the direct of the position of a body in a vertical plane. The shoulders are at the same level of height, slightly deployed and are ignored. The chest and back can sounds a little forward. The man can be without problems to straighten the legs at the knees, we do not harbor the discomfort. When the intelligence together should be absolutely straight, the knees, the heels and the hips — to be in contact with each other.

To verify the correct position there is a very simple method. You must lean back to the wall and fully straighten. The feet should be kept together, the arms fall along the body. The head also pressing against the back of the surface, seen from the front.

Someone in your family has to stick his hand between the wall and the bottom of the back. If the palm of the hand passes freely, the correct posture. In the opposite case, we observe a curvature of the spine. The muscles weakened of the press thrown the back backward, not allowing him to straighten.

Classes for beginners

Correcting posture begins with the execution of simple exercises. To begin, we have to learn the proper way to sit with the back straight. The loading can be done directly in front of the computer, to develop a habit:

  1. Sit directly, the scapula together, tilting the chin towards the chest. What is the position that it should maintain not less than 30 seconds.
  2. With a straight back and do the movement of the hands, such as when browsing crawl.
  3. Leaning forward, hugging the ankles with the hands.

To correct the bad position of the spine is the perfect combination of exercises with objects, manipulable objects. One of them is performed with the help of several books. It is necessary to put in the head and walk to the opposite wall. The books should not fall. To complicate the exercise, you can walk down the stairs.

The correct posture you train, if you provide it with the hands behind the back of several articles. Therefore, either you are developing shoulder-and lumbar joints. At the beginning, the transfer is performed with the left hand the right shoulder, then the face changes. What is the movement, should be repeated between 15 and 20 times.


Another exercise is done while standing. Get up to the peak just by pulling the crown upward. With feet together, hands along the body. The inhalation of straighten up in the rope, and as you exhale tilt, making the back round. We focus on the breath. Repeat 10 to 15 times.


The prevention of diseases of the back, and the recovery of the correct position of the spine in the early stages of scoliosis is met effectively with the help of yoga. The followers of this theory argue that a person young and healthy, until it bends your spine.

Let's look at the 3 most suitable yoga asana for relaxation of the back muscles and relieve the pain:

  1. "The cat". Simple and very useful exercise. For the correct alignment of the asanas, it is recommended to study your photo. The initial position of the body on four legs. In the inhalation is deep, flexion, when you exhale back round. We do all the days of 15 to 20 times.
  2. Lie face-down, the knee is about to the chin, the other leg stretched toe of the back foot. The forehead and the palm of the hand support on the floor. The exercise is repeated several times on each side.
  3. Sitting on your lap, raise your hand. The buttocks of the dip in the heel, and the hand throwing it forward, slithering along the ground. In such a situation, it is necessary to relax in a few tens of seconds.

It is ideal for correcting the position of the following structure:

  1. We go to the back and pull the knees towards the chest with the hands. Push the hips in the belly and powerful kick. Relax, listen to your breathing.
  2. Initial position — lying on your back, feet hip-width apart. As you exhale, slowly stretch the hands behind the head and leaning on the shoulders, lifting the pelvis and the hip as high as possible.
  3. As you exhale lower the hips and re-tighten the legs towards the chest. Fully exhaling the air.
  4. In the inhalation of the hand is going backward, while the leg has to lift a right angle. Having expired, re-tighten the knees to the chest.

This cargo train to the vertebral column through the relaxation of the shoulder girdle. Exercises for beautiful posture is executed 8 times.

Relieve back pain and remove the clamps will help a set of:

  1. Initial position — lying on a stomach, the forearms of the two hands in front of himself. The left leg is bent at the knee, of the same name from your hand there is to grab behind the base of the foot.
  2. With the back arched back backwards, at the same time pulling the leg. The advance of the left hand forward. Maintain this position for 6 cycles of breath and then repeat the exercise towards the other side.
  3. The hands embrace the back of the ankle in both feet. Plucked from the soil chest, and when mixing the shoulder blades, to bend the greatest extent possible. Slightly swing forward and backward to the rhythm of the breath. To maintain the posture for a period of 8 breaths-exhalations. Then twice again aorder.
  4. Lying on the back, press a few knees and the thighs towards the chest. Can rocking from side to side, removing the clamps from the muscles. To hug the right knee with the right hand and the left — left. Slowly rotate 3 times in the sense of the needles of the clock and the same is in the opposite direction.

Method japanese

Very interesting way of correcting the posture of the adults has been developed by japanese doctor Fukutsuji. It is based on the back of the spine in its anatomically correct the situation. Japanese specialist says that for the direct acquisition of the posture, it is enough with only 5 minutes a day. The exercise is performed with the help of a roll of towels.

As a result of the daily classes of a person learning to keep the back smooth as sitting, and during the time of movement. The spine straightens, the gait gains confidence. In addition, it makes it much easier breathing, improves sleep, balances with the mentality.


The methodology of Fukutsuji provides for the implementation of the following actions:

  • sit on the mat, aligning the feet and the kidneys;
  • lie on your back, placing the roller precisely at the level of the navel;
  • the feet separate about 25 cm, the thumbs are touching each other, and the heels are accumulated in the parties;
  • the hands are extended behind the head with the palms facing down, so that our shipments to come in contact;
  • to be in this position for 5 minutes.

When it appears the pain during the classes should be reduced, then increased gradually.

Exercises with the stick

This gym is ideal for everyone, but is especially popular among women. Classes of projectile carried in the tone of the back muscles, relieve the retaining clips and level out the stance. You should start with small loads, gradually increasing.

To practice using the stick of the length of 120 cm, size allows you to perform the exercises in all positions: sitting, standing and lying down. Each movement is repeated 10 to 20 times, depending on the level of training of the person.

Here are the most popular of the exercises:

  1. The position of the hands extend, holding a projectile for great grip. The stick is moved in different directions, until the twisting of the limbs.
  2. Keep a projectile vertically, through he is done swinging with the foot.
  3. Maintaining balance on a single leg. The stick when this is put in the other. The posture is maintained for a few seconds, and the feet change.
  4. Jumping from a walk through of a projectile, mounted in parallel with the ground.
  5. Initial position — on the lap. The stick up in both hands and draw in it a circle. The movement is performed only by the trunk.
  6. In a standing position and holding a stick over the head, leans forward. Another variation of this exercise with the projectile, dropped behind the back.
  7. With emphasis on the stick in the hands stretched out are made to move up and down.
  8. We go to the back and keeping the projectile before the one in the hands stretched out. The feet bend and pass under the stick.

Not all exercises obtained immediately. Therefore, they have to assimilate little by little, passing from the simple to the complex.

Exercises on the fixed bar

This missile can be of great utility for the formation of a beautiful posture. Today, there is a horizontal bar in any park, many patios, and any one you can install in your home. Typically, these classes are attracted to men, but to base of exercises that will be very useful and girls.

The main exercise for the back is a normal vis on the lintel. With these exercises your posture is aligned, and the load on the spine decreases. It is desirable to hang it for 1 minute several times a day as possible to help relax the muscles. As the discs of the spine necessarily fit in its place.

If necessary, the exercise can be complicated, balancing the feet and the trunk. Another option is to mimic the walk, making the movements of the lower limbs. The osteochondrosis it is recommended to hang, with legs crossed at the ankles. But in this case, before classes should consult with your doctor.

For the muscular strengthening of the corset and the formation of the straight line of the back, it is recommended to do chin-ups. It is important to perform the movement without problems, by synchronizing with the breathing. Grip should be firm, with the thumb on the side. Elbows, it is advisable to maintain in parallel.

Therefore, each one can do the exercises according to the level of training and your own taste. However, before you begin classes, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and consult with the attending physician.