It hurts the ents of the back: the causes of pain in the lower part of the spine that do

For many people the sign of such symptoms as "pain of the ent in the back." Usually, the discomfort associated with various diseases of the spine, but in practice, it is often discovered that the cause itself. Often, the pain in the lower back occurs in the woman at the end of the pregnancy, as well as the spinal column suffers a load greater than the usual.

The reason could also be of a variety of diseases in internal organs, atrophic changes in bone-cartilaginous the device of the lower part of the back, etc, Inactive lifestyle, heavy working conditions, professional sports, obesity can cause pain in the lower part of the spine.

Pain in the lower back, doctors call the term "lumbodynia". It is a phenomenon that is characterized by the sudden appearance and disappearance of the pain syndrome. Some of the patients undergoing short course of treatment and no longer experience discomfort, others need to be treated for months and even years. To establish the exact cause of pain in the lower part of the back, should be first subjected to a therapist, and, later, of the direction – of narrow experts.

The causes of the

Often the pain in the lower back is a symptom of various diseases of the locomotor apparatus. Often unpleasant feeling of disturbing people, who spend a lot of time on the computer, in the car, do manual work is heavy, loaded himself in the gym. In the risk group are pregnant women or women who recently gave birth.

Of the disease, accompanied by pain in the lower back

The back pain in the lower part may indicate diseases such as osteochondrosis or spondiloarthrosis. This is what is known as the main causes of the pains associated with the functionality and morphological changes of the spinal column.

Between the side of the causes of low back pain distinguished:

  • the tumor processes of the vertebrae, the spinal cord;
  • the injury of the vertebrae;
  • the infection in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae;
  • the types of violations in the bones (osteoporosis, osteomalacia);
  • the inflammatory disease of the world's etiology (rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis);
  • violations acute hemodynamic (e.g., brain hemorrhages);
  • diseases related to the violation of growth;
  • gastrointestinal disease (microkernel for acute appendicitis, bowel obstruction);
  • kidney disease (kidney pain back to a face, more frequently on the right side);
  • diseases of the organs of the pelvis.
the pain in the lower back

Therefore, the cause of the pain is not always hidden in the injuries of the locomotor apparatus. If the pain is caused by an alteration of the function of the internal organs, is irradiating nature. In addition, men suffer from back pains in the lower part of the spine prostatitis, prostate cancer, but this symptom is not always necessary.

The pain can appear after a long hike that leads us to think about stenosis of the spinal canal. The disease manifests itself in the form of a syndrome of intermittent, and the limp. The man, in addition, complains of pain and cramping in the muscles when walking. The people age develops this state, such as polymyalgia rheumatica. First experience moderate pain and then a feeling of oppression in the hands or feet.

The most common cause of pain below the waist on the right side, the left side or in the center, is the osteochondrosis. Tools of research methods that allow to identify the different atrophic changes in spinal post. With them the space between the discs of the spine gradually decreases and, in consequence, there develops an imbalance in the overall structure of the spine.

This leads to headaches down the back, which are located to the left or to the right or go the way of the mountain range.

Another source of pain in the lower back – the presence of an intervertebral hernia. When your expense, to squeeze the nerve roots occurs is very strong, acute pain, of dealing with that in the initial stages help to steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

A sign of an unfavorable outcome is lumbodynia, which is manifested by the spectrum of the wide variety of symptoms. The pain of the march of the nerve root may be given in the buttocks and the feet. The discomfort appears when the slopes (even when tilting the head down), the laugh, the cough, etc syndrome Pain intensifies when lifting in a supine position with the legs straight.

As manifest pain in the lower back

The symptoms of pain in the back is the order of nature, and depends upon the pathology. In tension the pain manifests itself in the form of spasms, movements are limited. Syndrome of pain radiating in the buttocks, the back of the thighs. The patient is difficult to bend, rotate the body. When damaged roots of pain in the lower part of the body, may be a violation of the sensitivity, numbness.

The osteochondrosis symptoms get worse gradually. First the pain is concerned on the one hand, the nature of his is not expressed. As the pathological development of a process of pain becoming stronger, more difficult to cut off the painkillers, they affect a large area. After a long time of stay in the same position that the pain has the pain the nature.

The defeat of the kidneys, pain does not appear in the lower part of the back, and approximately at the level of 12 pairs of ribs. However, in the kidney disease, the colic syndrome of pain radiating downward along the ureter, in the adductors. The pain when this intolerable and very strong painkillers don't help. Hallmark symptom – location-one-sided.

The diagnosis

Why hurt the ents of the back, you can install only the doctor. In any case, should not deal with self-diagnosis and self-medication. The diagnosis is based on complaints of the patient, the clinical picture, anamnestic data, results of tool methods of research. The patient is prescribed x-ray, myelography, magnetic resonance imaging, ct scans, and other types of surveys.

A ct scan is effective and very informative way of detecting different structural changes in the spine caused by trauma, infectious process, tumor entities, osteoporosis and other diseases. On the basis of myelography is the application of contrasting substance. The method is applied, when the suspicion of stenosis of the vertebral canal, hernias, tumors and other pathological processes in the spine.

x-ray of the back

The treatment of the

What to do if you suffer from back pain, it can be said that only a qualified technician. Tactics of treatment depends on the cause of origin of the pain. It should not take pain relievers, as they give only a temporary effect (and some diseases do not help), "grease" the box clinical and aggravate the process of what the man constantly removing the pain, we have to postpone the visit to the doctor.

The main principle of the therapy is the treatment of the pain itself, but of its cause. Thus, the osteochondrosis it is necessary to take a series of measures. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in this disease are used as symptomatic therapy in the period the heat. These drugs are Diclofenac, Nimesulide, and others, however, have a number of contraindications (eg, ulcer stomach).

You can also apply anti-inflammatory non-steroidal ointment. In some cases, require steroid anti-inflammatory. The main activities are conducted outside of the sharpening and consist of exercise classes, medical, participation in the course of therapeutic massage, the organization of a correct mode of day and feed.

In addition are assigned physical therapy procedures, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc, Out of the sharpening of the doctors recommend practicing gymnastics medicinal. It is the best way to strengthen the back, relieve tension and muscle spasm. Medical-physical a series of exercises (physical therapy) is not included in the program of prevention of back pain.

The lesson is best done under the supervision of an instructor, but some simple exercises which can perfectly perform in house:

  • Lie on your back, the hand pulling along the body, legs slightly bend your knees. The feet of refuse to the right, on the body and head, turn a little to the left (it is important not to overdo it). Through five seconds to return to the initial position, to repeat the same thing with the opposite side. Only ten repetitions.
  • Get up to the knees, with the hands supported on the chair. Arch the back upwards, and then the maximum bending. Do ten repetitions.
  • Lie on the back, the legs straighten. Lift the right leg, 20 cm from the ground, hold before the onset of fatigue. The same with the left foot. Do five repetitions for each leg.

Good effect giving a massage and chiropractic. These procedures are performed only by qualified personnel. The incorrect execution, a violation of the appropriate technical can cause damage. During a therapy session hand manipulation of a specialist go through the entire area of the back, which affects different levels of the fascia, the bone structure, etc).

With particular attention to neural. The specialist has a direct effect on neurons through palpatory manipulation. A chiropractor is capable of slowing down or speeding up of the neural chain. In the last time, the growing popularity of acupuncture. The course consists of several procedures, and focuses on the reduction of the pain syndrome and muscle relaxation.

If there's excess weight should be set to the power mode. You must give preference of plant origin, low in calories to the meal. The protein is one-third of the ration. Can you say lean fish, poultry, meat, eggs. Also the protein contained in legumes, buckwheat, mushrooms, nuts (with them it is important not to overdo it). The fats you should consume unsaturated (lamb, white fish, nuts, vegetable oils).

In diseases osteo-articular system play an important role vitamins A and D. Vitamin A is found in the green, luque, vegetables of yellow and orange, oil of cod liver fat, liver, egg yolks. Vitamin D is synthesized under the influence of the sun better. You can also get small amounts of milk, butter, egg yolks, cod liver, eggs. For the health of the bones should be consumed in sufficient quantities of phosphorus (bran, lettuce, cabbage, cheese, fish) and calcium (liver, cheese, eggs, nuts, cabbage).

the back pain

If you have back pain it is advisable to consult a therapist, that in virtue of the data collected, will be determined with further tactics. Diseases of the internal organs, the patient undergoes a series of complementary studies, and turns to narrow experts. The main rule you should learn all patients – do not self-medicate, and in any painful manifestations appropriate to see a specialist.