How to cure back pain: the motive, the means of

How to treat pain in the lower back, if you simply do not have the time to go to a doctor? After all, we are all very busy, we have the mass of issues and concerns, we rush and constantly running late. And we never have time to do the treatment seriously until we meet in the Ambulance".

the treatment of the waist

And, however we will try to speak about the common problems that cause so much pain, and methods for the treatment in the home. But please keep in mind that none of the "popular" methods of treatment will not help you in the evolution of the disease, and must anyway to go to the doctor.

The subcool

This is, perhaps, the most common reason of the onset of pain in the back. Win the supercooling is not so difficult, to do this, not necessarily quite freeze. It is enough to work on to warm the inside, and then wet, to enter the premises, where he works actively air-conditioning. Hot the body is under the jet of cold air. The man becomes a cold-in such conditions, but the adaptation is relatively fast. But the next day, you start to experience pain in the back, it becomes a problem stretch or get up, the pain more frequently and constant pain, and when the movement it makes the cut. So, quickly and in silence you've earned hypothermia, or, in a few words, "blew back".

The methods of treatment of pain in the hypothermia

The first thing that makes sense to do in this situation – heat the back. To do this, it is the best ointment, which is easy to find in any pharmacy. Well, and if the ointments do not have to hand, there's something wrong with the conventional alcohol. Grate the kidneys with the alcohol or ointment, after wrapping her something warm, the scarf or shawl, for example. This procedure is worth to perform every day until the pain will not pass, and out to the street, you need heat clothing, paying special attention once again to the lower back.

If the back pain is very strong, it is best to go to the doctor. In this case, you may be prescribed injections, which are almost immediately eliminate or seriously weaken the pain. Usually apply different nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents.

If the problem of hypothermia for you today and she faces regularly, it is til warm strap of lamb-skin or dog hair, which can be found in almost any pharmacy. This belt is necessary to wear under clothing every day, well, he is subtle and almost imperceptible.

The treatment by the method uht

Today the treatment of the symptoms of pain in the back of the appliance from the blows of the waves of the therapy, it is considered a progressive method of medical practice. Uht processing method, which allows you to return to work, the rhythm of life of 4-5 sessions. This recovery method is most popular among people who lead an active lifestyle and try to get rid of the bad feelings for a short period of time.

Back of a shot

It is very unpleasant pain that comes with serious physical effort, and then goes fast. This happens, for example, when you change any gravity. Appears a severe pain in the lumbar area, which then passes into the distance and disappears. Because this type of pain is sufficiently short duration, something about she successfully forget. Then repeated with the load, and back passes. In this case, it is useful to reflect on the fact that something is not in order. This type of pain is characteristic of the lumbar-sacral sciatica, which in medicine takes the name of "low back pain", and in the village – "one shot".

The treatment of pain when shot

In the first place, the sick person with that kind of pain it is necessary to lay on a hard surface. Not necessarily to throw the person on the ground, if the mattress of your bed pretty again – you can lie down on the bed. To relieve the pain, you can take the painkiller which is to the hand.

Note that the person with that kind of pain categorically can not plant in a hot bath or try to "steam" in the bathroom – this will give you exactly the opposite of the desired effect.

The heat in this case is to apply the "dry", or, you can use one of the ointments for the pain in the back. The important thing, for which this ointment is not allergic to, as in the majority of cases, the composition of these ointments are quite aggressive. After this, the patient is required to rest in bed for several days, and in your diet is necessary to limit the fluid and salt.

If with all this, the pain does not go away, you should call the doctor and begin the full, the treatment half-measures here, no cost.

The hernia of intervertebral disc

In fact, this disease represents the 2nd phase of sciatica. Expect this "nice" the time is not difficult if you ignore the pain that occur in the 1st phase of the illness (of short duration when the transfer of the weights and of the serious charges). When the hernia pain becomes constant and intensifies in any movement, the easier it becomes only in a state of rest (lying down).

If you realize the symptoms, the person with this disorder experience constant pain in the lower part of the back, which gives in the leg, and strengthens the sudden movement. It is also possible to decrease the sensitivity or numbness in the lumbar area.

"Home," the treatment of the herniated intervertebral disc

pain in the lower back

For the reduction of pain do the following: provide the patient of rest and rest, after which it give you any pain medicine, which is at hand. And after this you should call the doctor. In the acute period of the hernia any popular treatment will bring the damage, the pain will not go "hot" or "lotions", you need to be treated seriously and in detail.

As one of the additional methods of pain relief during the movement – the use of the corset back, which does not allow to advance to the division of the lumbar area of the spine. But this is not a treatment, a brace weakens the muscles of the back, then you will have to recover with the help of physiotherapy exercises.

"Professionals" of pain in the back

This problem is specific for people with this type of work, which implies lower mobility or prolonged uncomfortable positions. This cashiers, operators, pc, computer programmers, office workers, etc In one far not the most beautiful day of these people appears a pain in the back, the muscles begin to "hurt", and continues this state for a long time, having chronic views. This is what is known as "occupational disease". The essence is simple: due to the low mobility and the lack of loads of the muscles and ligaments of the back are weakened, in consequence, they can no longer keep back in normal position, they get tired quickly. The result is not only the pain but also the violation of posture.

The treatment of "occupational diseases"

Because this disease is chronic, and very fast method to eliminate the pain does not exist. Pain medication in this case is not the output, since the pain will return, once you have finished your action, but always to "sit down" to these drugs can not.

The only effective therapy in this case is the gym, which gives the possibility of recovering the normal state of the muscles and ligaments. But, we repeat, is not immediate the treatment, the gym is necessary to be engaged constantly.

You must also ensure the correct posture. Not only in the workplace and in everyday life. It is also helpful to be similar to that of massages to a good specialist. You do a massage in this case, it is not the best solution.