The pain in the back - symptoms and treatment.

Back pain is a symptom of the disease, often, the back muscles and the spine. In this article we are going to see, why it hurts your back.

The problem in the lower back can be the result of diseases of the bone of the spine, the lumbar discs between the vertebrae, ligaments around the discs and the spinal column, the spinal cord and nerves, muscles of the lower back, internal organs of the pelvis and abdomen, as well as the skin covering the lumbar area. The upper part of the back may ache as a result of diseases of the aorta, tumors in the breast or inflammation of the spine.

the treatment of back pain

Suddenly emerged last little bit of pain in the lower back also known as low back pain, and little by little they have developed chronic lumbodynia. If it hurts the lower part of the back (the tail bone) is coccygodynia.

The causes of pain in the back

In most cases, the back pain of musculo-skeletal violations (microdamages ligaments and joints of the spine after heavy loads in them, tension or spasm of the muscles). Less frequently, the cause of the aches and pains become more pronounced changes on the part of the spine, for example, a intervertebral disk herniation or displacement of the vertebrae (spondylolisthesis). Finally, in rare cases, back pain may be related to serious diseases (tumors and inflammatory processes in the vertebral column and the spinal cord, diseases of the internal organs — the kidneys, the heart, the pancreas, the organs of the pelvis, and others).

The possible causes of back pain

  • Muscle spasms;
  • Tensile strength (ligament injury );
  • The injury;
  • Pregnancy;
  • The scoliosis;
  • The bleeding in the pelvis;
  • The dissection of the aorta;
  • The infection of the spinal column and the pelvis;
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis;
  • Metastasis in the spine (cancer that has spread to the spine from other organs);
  • Viral infections, including the flu.

The disease that suffers from back pain

  • The osteochondrosis;
  • Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • Cancer of the bones;
  • Coccygodynia;
  • Degenerative disease of the vertebrates of the disk;
  • Diffuse idiopathic skeletal the hyperostosis;
  • The endometriosis;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • The fracture;
  • Kidney stones;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Paget's disease;
  • Pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer (surrounding pain);
  • The psoriatic arthritis;
  • Reactive arthritis;
  • The sciatica;
  • Herpes zoster (pain and rash).

They are dangerous back pain

As a rule, the back pains are of a permanent nature, is intensified by movement and physical activities, and accompanied by a limitation of mobility of the spine and the feeling of stiffness in the back. In most of the cases is a recurring feature of the current, in the episodes of exacerbations, usually cause intense physical load, long duration found in an uncomfortable posture or hypothermia, change more or less long periods during which the pain does not exist or is expressing a minimum.

the causes of pain

In the great majority of cases the back pain may not represent a direct risk for the life and health of the people and, often, are themselves (without treatment). However, sometimes the back pain can be due to serious diseases of the spine or the internal organs.

Below are the features of the pains in the back, which may be related to serious pathology. If you have any of these symptoms, you must consult a doctor immediately and, in any case, do not self-medicate.

  • The back pain is constant and localized to a single place.
  • The back pain is not reduced in the supine position, or occurs at night.
  • Back pain accompanied by an increase of the temperature of the body.
  • Back pain accompanied by tension of the muscles of the extremities or combined with the long stiffness in the morning.

The diagnosis of back pain

  • Inspection neurologist to assess the state of the nervous system, the muscles of the spine.
  • The general analysis of blood and urine to the exclusion of the inflammatory process in the kidneys.
  • The x-ray of the spine for the exclusion of osteomyelitis, fractures and other diseases. For the clarification of certain x-ray changes, the doctor may also assign computer-or magnetic resonance imaging of the spine (the first allows you to detail to evaluate the state of the bone structure, the second — of the spinal cord and intervertebral discs).

Very often, when these studies identify dystrophic changes of the intervertebral discs and the bodies of the vertebrae and in the diagnosis "osteochondrosis". It should be noted that the osteochondrosis in itself is not a disease, and reflects age changes of the spine. Some of the changes made by part of the intervertebral discs (including hernia repair), identified almost all persons of adult age, even I have never experienced back pain. In other words, the identification of the signs of degenerative disc disease when the chest x-ray or a herniated disc when the mri does not give reason to believe that the back pain are related to them (such a decision can only support one doctor on the basis of the results of the clinical examination).

The treatment of back pain

Completely cure back pain often can not, however, you can reduce to a minimum the frequency of acute episodes with the help of a correct life-style and pharmacological treatment. The treatment of back pain depends on the cause that led to its emergence. Choose the right treatment for You, the doctor can only.

The effect of the treatments can be manifested immediately, therefore, it is necessary to arm with patience and firmness. The main objective of the treatment consists not only in the elimination of acute pain, but also in the prevention of the recurrence of the disease in the future.

How to relieve back pain

Bed rest can contribute to the transition from acute back pain to chronic. Taking this into account when moderate pain, it is not necessary to rest in bed, and with intense pain should be limited to the maximum of its duration (1 to 3 days).

If you suffer from back pains, you should limit it in this moment of physical activity, in particular, to avoid the lifting of weights and a prolonged stay in the same position; it is important to make a movement, not only increases the load on the spine.

For the unloading of the spine and to ensure that the state of rest it is advisable to use a belt or corset.

the treatment of the back

Medications for back pain

The treatment depends on the cause of the back pain and call your doctor after the survey.

To relieve the pain, use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, issued in the form of tablets, blister plastic injection molds, creams and gels, and pain medications or combination of medications. Medication of both groups were prescribed a short course (usually no more than 3 to 5 days). In addition, to eliminate the pain, apply compresses with a solution of local anesthetics and to processes blocking (which can be carried out only by a doctor).

The pain associated with muscle tension, use of medications that suppress muscle spasm (muscle relaxants of central action — in the term of 1-2 weeks). Taking these prescription medications.

At the present time for the treatment of back pain associated with dystrophic changes of the spine (osteochondrosis), suggest the use of special drugs — drugs that stimulate the production of the main components of cartilage tissue, and therefore decrease their destruction. The effectiveness of these medicines in the diseases of the spine has not been demonstrated, the same can be said about the many widely advertised on food additives (usually containing medicinal plants, biological, vitamins, etc) and homeopathic means. Despite all the free media that is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, should not be taken without first talking with your doctor.

The physiotherapy and physical therapy the pain in the back

To reduce the severity of the pain, you can apply dry heat (but not deep warming) and other physical therapy procedure, but only after consulting with your doctor.

After the end of the acute period of the useful classes of special physiotherapy complex (strengthening the muscles of the back, abdominal muscles) and a massage service.

Manual therapy for back pain

The quiroprctica you can assign only a doctor after the completion of the x-ray and/or magnetic resonance imaging, which allow to objectively assess the condition of the spine and fabrics. If you follow the chiropractic (the impact on the joints of the spine, ligaments and muscles) allows you to adjust many of the local breach (for example, the tension of the muscles, subluxations of the joints), which, at times, fast and effective way of eliminating back pain.

Chiropractic has contraindications and limitations:

  • The hernia or the destruction of the intervertebral discs (the displacement of the fragments may cause compression of the spinal cord, spinal roots and blood vessels).
  • After suffering a myocardial infarction, stroke, cancer, tuberculosis of the spine, and for breach of the function of the endocrine system, the course of osteoporosis.
  • When it is expressed in the exacerbation, accompanied by the drastic limitation of the mobility of the spine due to pain and the tension of the muscles of the back (it is possible the amplification of symptoms).
  • In diseases of the vessels and disorders of the clotting system of the blood.

If it is not done correctly, chiropractic care can lead to serious complications, so it must be performed only by a qualified technician (doctor). Absolutely unacceptable to the completion of the manipulative therapy average of the health personnel and people without medical training!


Iglorefleksoterapija (acupuncture) often has a positive effect to moderate back pain, particularly those arising from muscle tension and perfectly complement each other with emotional disorders. Although, according to the ideas of the traditional chinese medicine, acupuncture can be applied to any type of disease, it is considered that iglorefleksoterapija is contraindicated in the following cases.

  • In diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • If there are benign and malignant tumors (including in the past).
  • The diseases that require urgent surgical intervention.
  • In case of violation of the function of the kidneys and the liver.
  • If you have a tendency to bleed or take drugs that violate the blood to clot.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • In case of pregnancy.

Yoga for pain in the back

Yoga classes help to ease not only the pain but also relieve tension of the muscles of the back, as well as reduce the inflammation. Just 5 minutes a day devoted to the exercises, and already within little bit you will see the result.

The prevention of back pain

the prevention of the
  • To share a bed with elastic and hard mattress.
  • Try to maintain the correct posture when walking.
  • Observe the correct posture in front of a desk, when working with the computer. Keep in mind, to the forearm in the work were not to be found in the weight, and they were all on the table. During a long job to use a chair with backrest, headrest and armrests for rest and relaxation.
  • Avoid prolonged stay in the same position (by the computer, driving a car). Try every half hour to stretch, exercise, restless.
  • When the duty of staying in the standing position, find a point of support for the back, arms, or head (for example, lean back over the vertical of the surface in the metro train).
  • If You use shoes with high heels, remember to walk in it, without a break, no more than 2 hours at a time.
  • Avoid sudden turns and the inclination of the trunk, always looking for support to carry out such actions.
  • If it is necessary to lift something off the ground should bend, but not tilted.
  • Do not lift or support the gravity, leading to his front, to avoid jerks and try to keep the back grinding.
  • Exercise the back muscles with physiotherapy exercises, swim, exercise in the gym.
  • Maintain a normal body mass