Back pain: 7 anxiety symptoms

Most of the minor discomfort, and last a little bit of pain in the lumbar area, which do not have the basic pathology and caused by the normal of the muscles of the surge. We are interested in cases in which the cause lies in disease of the spine.

the back pain

7 symptoms of anxiety

1. The pain makes time that does not pass

Usually, the back pain will disappear after a short rest, or receive pain medication. If within one month there is no improvement, pain interfere with your normal daily activity, it is worth going to a doctor.

2. The pain extends in an arm or a leg

If, in addition to the back area the pain comes in any limb is a sign of irritation of the spine, spinal cord, or even the availability of intervertebral hernia.

"This symptom can and cannot talk about the serious defeat of the intervertebral disc, but anyway worth a consult with a neurologist: there are a lot of non-surgical methods of treatment. Can help massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, gymnastics for the muscular strengthening of the corset, stretching, medical lock or the imposition of special elastic patch. The tactics of a personalized way. You can expect a positive result in the timely application of specialised care".

3. The appearance of numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arm or leg

"A long time not to go over the disorders of sensation in the extremities (sensation of numbness, tingling, needles) speak of these damage the nerve fiber. The decrease of muscle tone in the lower limbs or the onset of lameness is also a terrible symptom that points to the violation of motor functions", says the expert.

4. The pain in the night

The amplification of the pain at night or in a moment of relaxation – alarming symptom. If you also have stiffness in the morning, this can be a sign of a systemic inflammatory disease – ankylosing spondylitis. In this situation, it requires the consultation of the neurologist or rheumatologist, and the selection of a specific therapy.

5. The appearance of a constant pain in older adults (take care of your parents!)

In women over the age of 50 years increases the risk of osteoporosis (increased bone fragility). Even a minor injury can cause a variety of fractures, of which two-thirds are located in the spine (often in the dorsal and lumbar departments).

"Only a doctor and x-rays survey help us to identify a fracture of the vertebrae, and assign the appropriate treatment. It is necessary to remember that in this case the magnetic resonance imaging (mri), are often performed in patients with pain in the back, not informational, since it is not allowed to the extent sufficient to assess the state of the bone structure".

6. The pain is accompanied with an increase in temperature or loss of weight

"The dangerous symptoms of weight loss without any kind of diet or increase of the temperature in the bottom of the back pain. Are possible current infection, tumor, the process of the spinal cord or of the spinal column. Requires the attention of the physician, the delay in these cases is inadmissible."

7. The pain in the back and the impossibility of controlling the bowel or bladder

"Another sign of spinal cord damage is incontinence of urine or disorders of the sensitivity in the groin area. These symptoms cannot be ignored: they are indicated in the syndrome of sdavleniya mane, tail, cone, of the end of the divisions of the spinal cord and roots", said the expert.

If these symptoms occur acutely, it is necessary to call an ambulance: the best result of surgical treatment is achieved in the first 48 hours.

the symptoms of the

The tumor of the defeat or of the infection of the prevalence occupy the last places in the list of "Why it hurts your back", but this is the case when the habits of ignoring the signals of our body – not a valid tactic.