Why suffer from lower back pain in women

The sensations, when bankruptcy back – not good. In virtue of the features of the anatomical structure of the body, very often, the pain of this nature is manifest to the representatives of the beautiful sex. Refer to possible causes for the onset of this malaise and discover the consultation of a specialist will help you learn how to relieve the pain and facilitate the state.

the pain in the back of the woman

The back pain in the lumbar area

These disturbances are characterized by the different manifestations of pain: feel the periodic discomfort, or sharp, stabbing pain, you feel discomfort or lumbar pain, as if surrounding. Diverse symptomatology is explained by the location in this area, in addition to the kidneys, the spine, the muscles and the ligaments, the organs of the female reproductive system. The changes of the normal state of the nervous system, very often they indicate the same pain which gives in the kidneys.

Why back pain in the lumbar area

If you notice the same regularly manifest pain in the lower back, consult a specialist. You should not go voice on any medication, as these symptoms can indicate a variety of diseases. For example, can manifest cystitis, or pain you may feel after the physical activity in the gym, and even after having sex. As a rule, these feelings may be seen during pregnancy, before or during menstruation, but it also indicates and in the evolutionary disease of the genital organs.

The possible causes of back pain

Unequivocally to answer immediately, why to the woman hurts the waist, you can not, because these disturbances may be due to different deviations of the state of health. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor, in addition to the inspection of the patient, you can assign more analysis and research. To navigate, any disease is often accompanied by pain, lower back, consider frequent causes, so that it can manifest itself.

During menstruation

Fluid retention by the body at the end of the cycle of life is the factor that causes, why do I hurt the back during menstruation or a few days before its beginning. As a result of this process are swollen tissue of the organs of the urinary system, and the tension in the pelvic region manifests strong for the back pain. These sensations during menstruation can signal hormonal and failures in the female body. If there is an imbalance between the secretion of progesterone and prostaglandins, the uterus to contract during the menstrual period each time more strong, that is the cause of severe pain.

During pregnancy

In the body of the pregnant girl in this period, the increase of the pressure in the spinal column due to the increase of the body mass and the change of the center of gravity, due to the growth of the fetus. This is the main reason why it hurts the spine during pregnancy. Often the appearance of trains of lumbar pain at the same time with the delay of menstruation demonstrated by the fact that the generation of a new life, in the beginning, the uterus increases rapidly, and the tension of the ligation of the ligaments of the cause of these sensations.

It is important to know that in the first few months of pregnancy pain in the lower part of the back can be an indicator of the threat of miscarriage, because, noticing this symptom, it is necessary not to stay with the consultation with the gynecologist. Periodic pain in the lower part of the back in the middle of the pregnancy may indicate the risk of preterm delivery. Less to worry about, but there are a lot of annoyances that cause these symptoms in the last months of pregnancy, are only indicate that the body is preparing for labor. In most cases, after the birth, the pain disappears without any treatment.

the pain during the pregnancy


Before you continue reading, I want to warn you. The majority of the media, "traffickers" of the back, which is advertised on television and sold in pharmacies - it is a divorce. At first it may seem that the cream and ointment help, BUT in reality only manage the symptoms of the disease.

In simple words, you purchase regular medication for the pain and the disease continues to evolve, passing on the more severe of the stage.

Normal the pain in the joints can be a symptom of more serious diseases:

  • Difficulty walking;
  • Osteomyelitis — inflammation of the bones;
  • Infections of the blood;
  • The violation of the work of the organs of the pelvis;
  • In severe cases of paralysis of the hands and feet.

After delivery

If a woman before pregnancy had problems with the spine, after birth, a result of the passage of the child by the generic pathways, and the possible displacement or pinching of the vertebrates of the discs of lower back pain you can go anywhere and not get in. For a long time to manifest the sensation of pain, when during the pregnancy because of the abdomen were constantly tense and because it is the inflammation of the muscles of the back. When the child came to light, you can not postpone the visit to a doctor immediately to repair shaken health of the spinal column, therefore, prevent the development of complications.

Gynecological diseases

A characteristic feature of this group of diseases is that the pain occurs independently of the loads, often accompanied by secretions. Often, pulling the back and the complaint the lower part of the back when myoma of the uterus, pain when this occurs in the lower part of the womb. Similar pain sensation can occur when adnexitis, and even cancer of the genital organs. If the pain expressed, dramatically, is acute, and at the same time given in the lower part of the belly, this can indicate a jump of ovarian or ectopic pregnancy – a state that put in danger the life of the woman.

Problems with the internal organs

The sensation of pain in the lower back can indicate a variety of problems in the functioning of the internal organs. Pull the back you can in the diseases of the stomach, the intestine, the bladder. The same manifestations are seen in the kidney disease the cramps after he passes the acute attack. Regardless of that, in the left or right margin the lateral side of the rear is the focus of the pain, the doctor diagnosed, with the functioning of a kidney problems. The location of the pain to the right side, it may indicate inflammation of the appendix.

Problems with the spine

One of the obvious reasons why a woman hurts the waist, are the transformations of the cordillera. They can be congenital or occur due to inflammatory processes and age changes in the bone tissue. The pain may occur as a result of injuries, weight lifting, or long in the morning, as a result of poor body position during sleep.

The deformation processes leading to pinching of the blood vessels and nerves of the pillars, which causes the sensation of pain. Another cause of pain, which manifests itself as a burning sensation, tingling, give the lower part of the back, are the problems with the coccyx. The lack of adequate medical care in case of any problems with the spine can cause serious neurological diseases.

To do, if it hurts the spine

Alterations in the body, which may be manifested by the resemblance of a symptom, a large crowd of people. The sooner you see the doctors and the sooner you have a diagnosis insurance, without the most effective treatment. Negligence in the medical care and self-treatment leads to an increased risk of serious, irreversible, for example, the deformation of the spinal column. Based on this seriousness of the issue, please contact with the therapist, and whether it is necessary, you will be directed to the consultation of the gynecologist, orthopedic, nevrologu or other specialist.

treatment and prevention of

Remember, when pain occurs. If this was caused by intense physical activity, a fall, an injury – before the march to your doctor the extent possible to relax the back, because of lying, not getting up from the bed abruptly. Of an acute attack of pain, you can eliminate the pain medications, but remember that these drugs only manage the pain but do not cure the disease. The selection of medicines and products, provide support action, for example, calcium is in the competence of the doctor. He himself appointed and which supports the massage therapy, the complex of treatment of the gym.