The osteochondrosis of the spine: what is it, symptoms and treatment

The osteochondrosis of the spine occurs the destruction of the bone and cartilage of one or several departments of a backbone. This disease is chronic and develops almost all of the old people. This is related to the normal aging of the organism.

The pain in the lower back

The spinal discs are atrophic change, and the age at which this occurs depends on many factors:

  • of the injury;
  • of the disease and of the overload of the spine.

The overhead of the vertebral column is concerned:

  • walk with your back;
  • bad seat;
  • features of the structure of the spine;
  • the lack of nutrition of the tissues of the spine due to the inheritance of the anomalies.

The osteochondrosis nucleus, is located between the vertebrate disks, you lose a part of water. Because of this, in the nucleus occurs the disruption of the metabolism and hinders the access of the different minerals and vitamins.

After a time on the disc appear cracks, becomes on the screen. Later begin to affect the nearby joints and the ligaments, forming the swelling of the tissues. Due to the inflammation occurs in the displacement of adjacent vertebrae. It is dangerous to the advent of root symptoms: the pain of the march of the nerve affected.

It is also possible the appearance of intervertebral hernia, and she, in turn, may cause compression of the spinal cord. For degenerative disc disease characterized by the appearance of osteophytes – bone spurs on the bodies of the vertebrae. These tumors can compress the spinal cord and cause syndrome of the root.

Often osteochondrosis exposed cervical and lumbar departments.

The osteochondrosis of cervical


  1. the activities of sports (weightlifting);
  2. the excess of weight;
  3. the alteration of the metabolism;
  4. sedentary work ( programmers, accountants, drivers, etc);
  5. flat feet;
  6. injuries of the spinal column;
  7. the subcool.

The symptoms of the

The main symptoms of degenerative disc disease-cervical spine – pain in the area of the head and neck. Human bother severe headaches, neck pain, irradiated to the sugar arm, pain in sternum. The patient may complain of back pain – the onset of severe pain in the neck, muscle spasm of the back muscles and limitation of movement.

Also the person can hear the creaking when turning the neck. Due to the crushing of the nerves and vessels of the person may experience numbness of the tongue and the tip of the fingers. The patient will complain of decreased hearing and vision, increased blood pressure, and weakness in the muscles of the hands and the feet.

Chest of osteochondrosis

This type of degenerative disc disease is quite rare. This is related to the structure anatmica of breastfeeding and of the spine. It consists of 12 vertebrae that are connected with the ribs by articulations. Ahead of the ribs with each other are joined to the sternum. Therefore, it creates a large skeleton of the vertebral column, the sternum and the ribs, which protects the internal organs from various injuries.

The vertebrae of breastfeeding and the division have a small height and the length of the spinous rods, which are placed one above the other, as the roof tiles. Due to this structure of this department of the spine has a small mobility. The discs of the spine of breastfeeding and the division rarely suffer injuries.

The causes of the formation of this type of degenerative disc disease:

  • the poor distribution of the load;
  • the delay in the nutrition of the intervertebral disc;
  • sedentary work;
  • the presence of scoliosis.

The symptoms of the

As in other species, the main symptom of degenerative disc disease of breastfeeding and the division is the pain.

But when the osteochondrosis pain may be different. Dorsalgia – long is not comfortable and the weakness of the painful sensations during vrtebras. The pain can affect the cervical and the lumbar area.

Dorigo – one of the features of osteochondrosis of breastfeeding and the division, in which the pain occurs in the form of a heart attack. By the nature of her intense, acute, causes difficulty breathing, leading to the limitation of muscle movements. In addition to pain, patients may experience a sensation of numbness in the chest, the violation of sexual function, pain in the heart, the kidneys and the stomach.

That dangerous defeat of breastfeeding and the division?

The spine is designed so that in the division thins out, because of the hernia, caused by degenerative disc disease, it quickly will lead to pinching of the spinal cord. It is easy to lead to problems with the part of the heart, the pancreas, the liver, and the kidneys, as thoracic department related to all these organs by nerve fibers. That is why it is very important time to consult a doctor. He will help you find out where they came from disturbing you signs of degenerative disc disease and will perform a good treatment of the disease.

The Lumbar osteochondrosis

The osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine occurs due to the elevation of the gravity. The norm in the center of the intervertebral disc is the nucleus, which contains a large amount of water. Thanks liquid kernel it becomes a bit compressible, and for their rupture you'll need the compression to 500 kg

However, affected by osteochondrosis of the disk becomes weak, and the gap in only 200 kg If a person who weighs 70 kg to lift the 15 kg load in the bent peruvian to the situation, and for the spine is a load of 200 kg, — intervertebral disc can rupture. That is why the first symptoms of osteochondrosis of the spine manifested during the ascent of the gravity.

The symptoms of the

  • the pain in the lumbar region;
  • the impossibility of movement in the lower part of the back;
  • sleep disorders;
  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • the impossibility of implementing the domestic use;
  • the decrease of the sexual function in men;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • the syndrome of "cold feet".

The passing of the osteochondrosis in sacral area patient has pain in the area of the kidneys and the violation of urination.

The diagnosis

The treatment of osteochondrosis carries out the doctor-neurologist. For starters, it is made the review of the vertebral column, draws attention to the presence of scoliosis. After the palpation, the doctor will be able to understand, as surprised of the spine, tendons and nerves.

After that, the neurologist suspected osteochondrosis of the spine, direct the sick in an additional examination. Here comes the step of the x-ray of the research, magneto-positron resonance. If it is suspected that the destruction of the intervertebral disc is discography. It is also prescribed to determine the extent of condition of the nerve pathways.

In general, the diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the spine" to put it very difficult. Since the person can see the pain in the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, or sexual dysfunction. But, anyway, when a thorough examination by an experienced health care provider may suspect this disease and to assign the correct treatment.

The treatment of the

The therapy of the degenerative disc disease is very long and heavy process. In the acute period of the patient is necessary the kiss of the wind affected segment. If surprised by the cervical region, the patient should be holding the neck to the pit. If the low back pain patient – it is necessary to rest in bed. It is best to place the sick in the hospital. Only there you can see the mode. The bed, the patient should be hard. To do this, under the mattress put on the wooden board.

The pharmacological treatment

As mentioned above, the main symptom of the disease is the pain. Therefore, the sick to the outrage of the pain and other symptoms of osteochondrosis are assigned to painkillers.

Also nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Unfortunately, the long-term use of these drugs causes damage to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and the patient, the following symptoms are present:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • the pain in the stomach;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Also may be stomach ulcer or appear stomach bleeding. Therefore, prior to the application of these medicines, you should consult with your doctor. If the pain caused by osteochondrosis, which lasts over 3 months, along with these medications are assigned to antidepressants. It is established that, in addition to the action that reassures, that you are able to reduce the pain.

All medicines can be attributed to the symptomatic therapy. It can help to relieve the pain, but not rid the person of the disease.

For the recovery of the intervertebral discs and the cartilage assigned chondroprotectors. These drugs enhance the metabolism in the connective tissue and aid in the recovery of the cartilage. Medications are taken a long period of time, the average is 4 – 6 months.

In addition to the recovery of the tissues and improve the metabolism in them, these drugs have and analgesic action. Another group of medications that are necessary to the osteochondrosis of the spine are drugs that improve the circulation of the blood. Its implementation contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, and if in a complex with them to take the medicines anti-oxidants, the person improves the metabolism of the nerve cells.

As in any disease, the patient will need medications of calcium. He will restore the activity of bone, increase the resistance of the ligaments and tendons, and also will become in the prevention of treating osteoporosis, a disease that accompanies the osteochondrosis.

The exercise with the roller under lower back

Therapeutic exercise

Dosed load on the spine will improve the condition of the patient. But to perform the exercise you want is very gently. In the acute period of physical activity are contraindicated. Only subsided the pain may begin gradually to do.

The exercise will improve the blood circulation in the spine, strengthen the muscles. By the flow of blood to improves the metabolism and will start the restoration of the intervertebral discs. But it is necessary to remember also that the teaching should be carried out regularly, otherwise it will have a result.

The exercises of the defeat of the cervical region

  1. Lie down on your back and straighten. Put one hand on your abdomen and the other on the chest and the inspire, retardation of the breathing for 10 minutes, then exhale and relax. The duration of the exercises 3 – 5 minutes. On the day of the need to meet 3-5 times.
  2. Lie face down and stretch the legs. Based on the belly and the legs have to lift the head and the upper part of the chest. The exercise of doing a 3 – 5 minutes with intervals of 30 seconds.
  3. Lie down on your back and bend your knees. In this position, turn to the right and on the left side. The exercise of doing a 3 – 5 minutes with intervals of 30 seconds.

The exercises of the defeat of the clinic of the division of

  1. Lie on your stomach. Support the hands on the ground and the curve is a player. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds. The exercise of doing a 3 – 5 minutes with an interval of 20 seconds.
  2. Lie down on your back. Lift the head and feet ("boat"). Hold the position for 10 to 20 seconds. The exercise of doing a 3 – 5 minutes with an interval of 20 seconds.

Exercises for the back

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and push your chest. Is swung forward and is a player and rolling back to the sacrum and the back. Balance up to 2 minutes. Then, you must quietly lay down and relax.
  2. You must get up on four paws and bend as far as possible. The exercise of doing a 3 – 5 minutes with an interval of 20 seconds.
  3. In a standing position, imagine that you spin the hoop for 2 – 3 minutes. Exercise do 10 times a day.

The surgical treatment

In the absence of effect of conservative treatment and the occurrence of complications of degenerative disc disease, is assigned to the surgical treatment. During the operation comply with the stabilization of the spinal column, removing pressure on the spinal cord and loins. If the person has an intervertebral hernia – is deleted. Because this operation may damage the spinal cord and nerves, is carried out only on vital indications.


The appointment of physiotherapy procedures has a positive influence on the course of the disease and speeds up the process of recovery. The osteochondrosis allowed:

  • the use of the sauna or the bath;
  • swimming in the pool;
  • massage;
  • in diesel;
  • the chiropractic;
  • lazeroterapiya;
  • variety of baths;
  • mud therapy;
  • electrophoresis with anti-media or muscle relaxants;
  • magnet;
  • 'D ''arsonval.

All these treatments improve the blood circulation in the diseased area, will allow you to relax the muscles and get the relaxation of the whole body. Physiotherapy treatments are assigned in the period of rehabilitation, when the patient is not concerned about the pains.

The prevention of the

Of osteochondrosis that no one is safe. As we all age, and with us is aging, and our whole body. For that the disease hasn't ruined their plans, even with the youth sport. Moderate exercise improves the circulation of the blood, the normal exchange of substances. In addition to training the muscles that protect the spine. For the prevention of degenerative disc disease, each person must:

  1. eat properly – vitamins and minerals necessary for the body;
  2. give up the bad habits;
  3. the practice of physical culture;
  4. do not slouch;
  5. take care of the back of the hypothermia;
  6. not to lift too heavy;
  7. take contrast showers and temperate;
  8. to avoid the stress.

People who suffer from this particular disease, it is important to follow all the recommendations, because your failure will mean a worsening. If you experience pain in the back, that is long does not pass, you must ask help from a specialist. Only the doctor may be able to get the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Do not tighten with a visit to the clinic, because the best way to treat the disease in its early stages. Also, don't self-medicate – any drug has its contraindications, what you may not know. Obey all recommendations of the doctor and then the disease soon again!