The pain in the lumbar area

With a pain in the lower back a sign of nearly all of the world. Such symptoms, such as low back pain, a shooting, very frequent causes of temporary disability, especially of people engaged in the physical work. Often the back pain is related to the changes in the lumbar-sacral department of a backbone, what you need to take very seriously. Despite the fact that the sensation of pain in the lumbar area may be the result of congenital anomalies of the spine and its ligamentous apparatus, acute and chronic infection, intoxication, or even tumors.

Pain in the lower back, sometimes very strong, and sometimes the person carrying them easily. The fact that the reaction to the pain of an individual, affect the mental health and age factors. In old age, the sensations of pain when radiculitis is very strong, although in general the perception of pain in people of advanced age loose. Patients with mental illness, sensitivity to pain is considerably reduced, even when the lumbar-sacral radiculitis.

Pain is a complex phenomenon in the adaptive mechanism, sometimes called the "sentinels of the" dog of the health. Caused by an external cause or problems in the body, it warns you of a danger. Having received the signal of pain, the body includes protection mechanisms against the adverse effects. Thanks to the pain of a number of pathological processes discover yourself before you experience any of the external symptoms of the disease. So the pain play a positive role: they are given to know that it is time to act. If you have pain in the lumbar area and the sacrum, do not delay contacting your doctor. Remember the eastern wisdom: "take care of mild illness, for not having to heal serious".

One-third of the patients, the back pain caused by dystrophic changes in the spine, which bear the generic name of "osteochondrosis". The osteochondrosis is the set of changes of the bones and ligaments of the spine, due to the degeneration of the intervertebral discs. In addition, the osteochondrosis of the spine can develop bone growths - osteophytes, which disturbs the loins of the nerves and sensitive nerve endings of the spinal column and its ligaments, causing ghost a persistent pain in the back.

Intervertebral discs m? s are the lenses biconvexas, by the shape of the small orientation on the surface of the vertebrae. With age the discs lose their moisture, dry, in they cracks, breaks, and cracks. As a result of the vrtebra becomes mobile, and can slide with the disk, which will lead to a narrowing of the intervertebral foramen and the pinch that goes on here spinal nerve. A lumbar vertebra of more fluid and however, they experience the greatest load to the weight lifting. Therefore, the discs between them are the most susceptible to deformation.

the pain in the back

Suffering lumbar osteochondrosis pain, and the reason that not only the mechanical irritation of the nerve root: the rupture of the membranes and the walls of the intervertebral disc are released irritants receptors painful.

In a later stage of the disease, disk protrusions, forming the so-called mezhpozvonkovuyu tonsils, which normally is found in people of middle age or older. Often they are surprised with the discs of the lumbar spine, as intervertebral m? s of the opening between the IV and the V lumbaru the vertebrae and between the V lumbar vertebra and the sacrum, the most narrow, and have place in them the nerve roots more massive. mezhpozvonkovaya of the hernia is very dangerous. And it is not just that it squeezes the nerve roots, causing pain for the type of lumbar-sacral sciatica. The mass of the herniated disc that weighs on the spinal cord, which can lead to the loss of sensation or even paralysis of your legs, and also to infringements of the urination.

For the lumbar herniated disc is characterized by the following symptoms: "the props" - the sick when you wake up and forced to lean back with the hands on the knees or on the chair, to reduce the burden of work affected by the disk; "the pillow" - the inability to lie down on the belly, not by placing it under the pillow; "landing" - the sick, trying to lift something from the floor, not tilted, and squats on the squat.

One of the main causes of osteochondrosis of the spine - the violation of the fat and salt the exchanges of substances. Sometimes the osteochondrosis occurs as a result of abnormalities in the development of the intervertebral discs, their innate inferiority. The external factors, leading to the development and worsening of the degenerative disease of the lumbar disc, they are: high humidity, strong temperature fluctuations, air currents; the significant and prolonged muscle tension and skeletal-ligamentous apparatus-lumbar-part sacrum of the vertebral column; its mechanical injuries and chronic infections.

The most frequent diagnosis of severe back pain - sciatica. For a long time it was thought that this disease is infectious in origin. However, the practice shows that patients usually do not increases the body temperature does not increase the number of white blood cells in the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid. The sciatica is almost not sick. It means, in most cases, it is unlikely the cause of the sciatica can be an infection.

Actually, low back pain - one of the most common manifestations of degenerative disc disease. The pain in the lumbar-sacral area of the disease can be acute and overwhelming. It is usually on one side only, given in the buttock, the posterior surface of the hip and the outer surface of the leg. The pain of radiculitis may be strengthened by change of body position, walking, coughing, sneezing, straining. Sometimes it is combined with sensations of numbness, tingling, creeping chills, sensation of burning, itching. Increases the sensitivity of the skin, sore muscles of the back, buttocks, legs.

The symptoms of sciatica quite pronounced. The patient changes the mode of gait, and posture, which are characteristic elements of the movement, and posture. When walking leaning the torso forward and toward the healthy side of the foot. In a standing position ill the leg is bent, which reduces the tension of the trunks nerve. The movement of the body in the lumbar region of the spine are limited. On the patient side the back muscles are tightened. When radiculitis is often twisted spine. The patient sits in a healthy buttock, pull the trunk back with the tilt on the side of the sound leg. If you have to lift an object from the floor, squats, squat, or leaning the torso forward, by bending at this the injured ankle. In supine position ill feet, usually doubles.

Mild forms of sciatica there is practically no limit to the patient in the movement. If the disease progresses, the muscle tone decreases, appears muscle weakness, and the sick, bother itching, sensation of "crawling chills". Lying on the bed sick of a watch can't find a comfortable position. Often feel a wave of cold, dryness, or, on the contrary, the moisture of the feet. The skin on the feet pale, or acquires a cyanotic hue, and tapers. But in general, these symptoms are not worth putting the same hasty diagnosis of "low back pain". A similar pattern was dan pannikulez - inflammation of the subcutaneous fat on the ground of violation of exchange in the adipose tissue, as well as the defeat of the joints of the leg.

In addition to the recurrent sciatica is very common is the acute form of the disease of the lumbar spine, such as lumbago, or a shot. When low back pain annoying the loins of the nerves and gets a sharp pain. It occurs more often in people who work heavy physical work, as a result of the surge of the lumbar muscles, and often, and when the hypothermia. But sometimes the attack of lumbago can cause acute and chronic infection, it can also be one of the manifestations of sciatica. Pain as a rule, stop after several days, but sometimes last two to three weeks. Until the attack is not going to let go, the victim is best to follow the bed rest.

A special form of low back pain develops when after a hard physical effort occurs the tearing of the muscle bundles, tendons, or bleeding in the muscles. This type of low back pain is manifested the unhealthy state of the back for the entire length of the backbone and the common sense of muscle fatigue.

It must be stressed: if you are sick of pork loin, this does not mean that surprised by the spinal column. The cause of lumbar pain can be myositis (inflammatory process) of the lumbar muscles. The disease lasts a long time. Muscle pain is not so strong, as if lumbago and clumsy, the pain. When this muscle sealed, they are painful when the feeling and tensile strength. In patients with chronic infections and alterations in the metabolism myositis of the lumbar muscles can be combined with pains in the joints.

It hurts Me to the spine: what to do?

The back pain are so strong, that without treatment, not to pass. Regardless of the cause that provoked the attack, in the first days of stay in the bed. In the next few days, as the pain to calm to ill let you walk, and the principle of preference on crutches to unload the spine. The bed should be hard - a thin mattress placed on a wooden board.

For local heating in the area of greatest pain apply irritating and ointments, as well as mustard seed or spray of plaster. Bring relief warm wool shawl electric, hot water bag, a bag of heated sand, the leeches. Well helps Swedish as anti-inflammatory and analgesic. When the miosites help hot packs.

The analgesic effects of exercise elektroprotsedury: percutaneous elektroanal'geziya, sine-modulation of currents, diadynamic currents, electrophoresis with novocaine and other. With the same purpose, is used treatments of reflexology (acupuncture, moxibustion, electroacupuncture, lazeroterapija) and novocaine blockade. When radiculitis, displacement of the intervertebral discs, apply traktsionnuyu - therapy to apply traction to the trunk in the bed or under the water. These procedures should be performed in the hospital. Effective balneotherapy - chloride of sodium, radon, sulfide, turpentine, bromine baths, naftalan, mud, low temperatures.

One of the emerging species of the healing influence for the back pain became the method of "biofeedback". Its principle of justified featured the physiologist P. K. Anokhin still in the 30's of the last century. The method provides for the training in the management of the functions of your body. This is how it looks in its application for the treatment of back pain. Before the patient sets the goal to maximize relax the muscles of the back. The patient sees his own elektromiogrammu, reflects the tension of the muscles, on the screen of the monitor and when they strive a lot of, hear the sound of the alarm. When the weakening of the amplitude of the electromyogram decreases, the sound gets lost. In consequence, the patient generates the motivation to the reduction of the tension of the muscles. As a general rule, the results are obtained immediately. For that the patient has learned to relax and control the energy of the muscles, it is necessary to spend five to six sessions. In the future, patients are able to control the relaxation of the muscles of the back independently.

Of great importance for the relief of pain and prevention of attacks is the use of external compatible with accessories - orthoses: corset, corrector of posture; reklinatora a corset that eliminates the tilt), bandage, as well as time: elastic, waist, weight lifter or editor. All of them warn the deformation of the spinal column, improve the venous and lymphatic output, give to the figure of the proportionality. Well, if in the composition of the material, which arrived to the time zone within the wool.

You should just keep in mind that if you do not observe the doctors for a recommendation, to regulate the use of orthotics can cause so much damage. In the first place, to carry you over the underwear to prevent chaffing. Too higher voltage of orthosis difficult the breathing, the digestion and the circulation of the blood in the lower half of the body. If not separated from them, day or night, can to atrophy of the muscles of the lumbar spine. Orthotics are useful in the long seat at the table, physical exercise, driving in the public transport. In the rest of the time, it is better to do without them - the muscles should work. Ideal remedy against back aches have been and still are the lessons of the physical culture medical. Own muscular "corset" makes artificial "brackets" for the spine unnecessary.

Sometimes, to remove the pain of an attack, patients have to resort to the intake of anti-inflammatories and painkillers. When you are very strong, the pains are more effective in the form of intramuscular injections. Usually prescribe analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents . Anti-non-steroidal means to abuse, also, that it is not worth. The contraindications for its application are peptic ulcer disease and gastric duodenal 12 in the phase of exacerbation, expressed disturbances of liver function. To avoid complications, it is necessary to take a medication only short-change 5-7 days, previously chosen keeping in mind the individual characteristics of the body.

In the third age (65 years and older) with arterial hypertension, heart failure, or peptic ulcer disease medications medication it is best to replace the so-called inhibitors of cyclooxygenase-2. These drugs almost does not irritate the intestinal tract and have no other side effects. Good to take a course of the injection of vitamins, especially of group of Century