8 the causes of back pain. For each problem – your treatment

Each person has at least once in the life time hurts my back. Often a symptom that does not cause any kind of concern for itself and passes. But there are cases in which ignoring it is not so simple. The pain in the back of the right indicates a serious disease, which the normal physics of the surge. In each case, to prevent the disaster, it is necessary to analyze all the possible causes of back pain, and if necessary, request medical assistance.

the back pain

The cause of the first. The uncomfortable position during the work

Asymmetric position of the spine during the operation, the tension of some muscles to the detriment of others, or even simply too long "sedentary" mode – all of this can lead to regular back pain after a work.

Solution. For this not to pass, a chair in front of the work table should have enough strict of the seat and direct support. Sitting on it it is necessary accurately, keeping your back straight, without bending the shoulders without tilting head down. Table height is adjusted so that the he of the hand bent at the elbows at an angle of 90°. If you wear glasses, you should not force him to lean to the table, or, on the contrary, resting the head back.

In the house you must also avoid the "dangerous" poses and postures of the movements. Do not wash in the bathroom, hunching over it to the three of perdition: use the lavatory, which must be not less than that at the level of the elbows. Not worth washing the floors "in the posture of crab" (bent) – only a mop, and with enough long handle. If you can't reach where-the best of knees.

In the fourth of the penalty attached to the wall of the handle. Installed above the bath and beside the toilet bowl, it allows you to sit, getting up and out of the water without the excess load on the muscles of the back. At the same time, not giving a slip on the slippery tile or enamel.

When you are brushing your teeth and washing, do not stand over the sink to bend it back. It is better to sit on a stool, or lift the sink in the bathroom, in the same tone optimal below the elbows.

The cause of the second. The back tires of overload

It is reasonable to give back a little rest, when fatigue has not yet been manifested in all its strength. Even if the posture is comfortable, the muscles, which for a long time are in the same position and the reduction of tension, in the end it become in to exert pressure on the nerve endings and cause discomfort.

Solution. If the fatigue is caused by a long standing or seat, the rest consists, primarily, in the change of posture. The task – to relax the muscles. To do so, either lying down, lifting your legs. And if that is not possible, walk quietly five or six minutes.

Third reason. The back muscles are struggling with an upright position

The back muscles should train regularly to support the spine, without efforts, with age, with a way of life is becoming more and more difficult.

Solution. The easiest way to walk. If a long time ago that did not have to start with a half hour for not getting too tired. Help you and special gymnastics complexes for back muscles, yoga, swimming, not in the speed, and for the pleasure, aqua-aerobics. And here with machines and should be treated with great care – can give the spam to the heavy workload.

Fourth reason. The discomfort causes the awkward position of the night during sleep

The bed should be comfortable, allowing the muscles to relax. If you don't rest by the night, maintaining the same curvature of the spine, that they had to "keep up" during the day, the pain may occur in the morning.

Solution. Sometimes, pain in the lumbar area of the back helps just a pillow or a roller – eliminates the bending of the spine that causes the back muscles to strive for, and that they rest for the night. If your back hurts regularly, can not do without a mattress orthopedic – successfully relieves the burden on the back. And it is not worth saving, it is best to buy a branded product, confidence of the quality. You can check the mattress – it is not a forgery: put it in a big plastic bottle with mineral water and sit down to a distance of 30 to 35 cm of it. The bottle should not fall. Also there are anatomical, they take the shape of the body of mattresses. Are well download the muscles, although they are very expensive. However, it is intended that is not for sleeping, and for not very long rest.

The reason for the fifth. Heavy shopping bags

When cutting or an excessive load on the spine, especially the discs of the spine: compress, sometimes by pressing the back of the nerves. The pain infernal, and it is better to keep in mind at once of such experiments is not for you.

Solution. Lifting the ground of the seriousness, you can't do is give it a pull, with the legs stretched out. Then all the burden falls precisely in the kidneys. Before that a heavy object should sit down, straighten the back and as well, with the back straight, with care, "take the weight". When you need to bend over, legs slightly bending the knees. Lean in direct of the feet is also dangerous for the lumbar area. Reduces the risk of special elastic, compatible with the waters up to the loins. If you can not avoid the pain, you have to be healed up enough: to take pills for the pain, crush sore spot ointments. It is best to do this after the query to a neurologist. Work and physical therapy, massage, and not in the first few days of the exacerbation, and a little later.

The cause of the sixth. Pregnancy and childbirth

Women during pregnancy and childbirth load on the spine increases from 2 to 4 times. Then grown the baby firmly hangs up all the time from my mom. And the year, is usually 12 to 14 kilos. It is not surprising that the back does not hold.

Solution. During pregnancy it is necessary to carry compatible with the bandage, the model that best to discuss with a specialist. And after childbirth, should not be neglected, bandages, and, at times, and with the belt retaining water up to the loins. They, by the way, it is a good idea to use in any physical work. When you perform the household tasks, particularly with the child in her arms, young mothers, useful to make sure by using the elastic straps, which depart slightly from the back of the shoulders.

The cause of the seventh. Back pain during menstruation

the pain in the back when monthly

The location of the internal organs from the increased uterine size has been changed, respectively, of the muscles, is generally compatible with the sacrum and the back are tightened in another way, that feels like an upset. And if swollen the uterus or other organs, pressed to the backs of vertebrates, the nerves, you may not be very strong pain. If to this were added the load on the muscles and ligaments associated with a long hike (especially in high heels) or sporting activities, the back does not hold, at the end of the day.

Solution. In the days regret, not exercising, limit the engine compartment mode. It is also important to wear good shoes without heels and the possibility of 2-3 times a day to take the horizontal position at least 5 minutes. Not worth also drink a lot of liquid, and if there is a propensity to swelling, in this period, take the infusion of bearberry.

The cause of the octave. The supercooling of the feet

If a day or two before you appeared barefoot on the cold ground or the earth, took to the streets in thin pantyhose lung or shoes, the pain may be related to inflammation of the ovaries or pielonefritom. Here, without serious intervention the gynecologist, or nephrologist did not pass. If the pain added a sharp burning sensation when urinating can cystitis.

Solution. If you were before the inflammation of the ovaries signal, probably, was there, as the pain of the lower abdomen can move into the kidneys. I would have to go to the gynecologist, who will appoint an anti-bacterial treatment, candles, or a pill that takes up to a week and a half or two. In the future, it should be borne in mind that in the cold season, you need more warm clothing, better opt for pants and closed-toe shoes.