Back pain in the morning, after sleep, and the day

During the dream the person is restored to physical and psychological force. A good night's sleep makes the morning, well, and a new day full of new events and emotions. The back pain in the morning not only demolish plans, but are a symptom of various serious diseases. The fact that the pain appears in the morning – the reason for consulting a doctor. Even if by the morning the pain in the back area are held throughout the day, you can not ignore this problem.

hurts my back

The causes of the pains of the morning

Man, the spine is constantly in tension. Every day is subjected to physical effort of variable intensity. When you damage any of the components (bones, joints, muscles) appears the discomfort and pain in the morning. There are many reasons why a sore back after sleeping. Some of them are easy to resolve without the intervention of doctors, for the rest, it must be diagnosed and consult with your doctor.

The conditions of sleep

The dream gives you the possibility to enjoy all the systems and organs of human. Individual, pillow-top mattress are the main cause of the pain symptom in the morning. The bed must maintain the physiological state of the back. Is too soft or too firm mattress causes a bad body position during sleep, therefore, the muscles do not relax, from here and from pain in the lower back directly since the morning.

If you have properly organized of the bed, orthopedic mattress, normal stiffness of the cause of the back pain after a dream becomes uncomfortable posture. It is useful to sleep in the back with a raised and slightly bent by the feet. The position of the body, which is not oppressus not a muscle, the organs are at rest, there is no excess tension, contributes to the recovery of forces. In the absence of other causes of back pain after a dream does not appear.Surge

After an intense physical exercise, especially if she is unaccustomed to the body, pains occur in the lower part of the back, from the morning, as a result of the fatigue of the muscles. Surge accompanied by myositis. This is the most common reason. Not require the intervention of doctors, it does not occur every day, then happens by itself. To facilitate the state of the recommend the local use of ointments, creams that remove the pain. For that such a situation does not repeat itself, it must be ensured by the distribution of the workload during the execution of physical exercises. Why in the dream, severe back pain, if it is not surge. Often, the patients, the main liabilities of the lifestyle that they have seat work the muscles ache from the permanent are in the same position. Why it hurts your back in the morning and in the afternoon? The muscles do not have time to rest and recover.

The violation of the spinal column

If the conditions of sleep does not influence the awakening and the back pain in the morning is present, the causes can be of violations of the spine. Where to start looking for the cause? For the complete diagnosis you should visit orthopedist and neurologist. Already after the collection of the medical history, the doctor will make a presumptive diagnosis and guide you in the analysis. The most common reason is in the osteochondrosis.

In the morning after a dream appears the rigidity of the back muscles, intense pain in the spine. It is difficult to change horizontal position, so that the patient bother the unpleasant sensations. The osteochondrosis causes the spine immobile, rigid. Each day more time is needed to tune to work well. Back often to be the subject of the disease, but there are other options. The defeat of the disease in the cervical region of the spine, severe back pain between the shoulder blades. A characteristic feature of the osteochondrosis is pain to tow in any direction, fatigue, the desire to take the horizontal position. Acute pain appears, even, with a little cough, of getting back in any time.

the joints

The violation of the joints

Not only the spine to be the cause of what hurts the back after sleeping. With age, the cartilage is modified, disappears the fat, rub together and are destroyed. Degenerative changes of the bring discomfort, This disease is called osteoarthritis. The involvement of all the joints of the body, including the spinal discs. The full recovery of cartilage tissue is impossible. However, when the resource appropriate to a doctor will slow down the destruction, pain medications and improves the quality of life of the patient. With a timely administration of strong medications, sharp pains in the back in the morning since they don't bother.Has transferred the injury

For a long time, then undergoing spinal trauma suffers from back pains in the morning. It is not the natural state, as well as the injury is stress, even when there is a serious damage of the pain for a long time does not pass. Doctors do not always immediately aware of the effects of the injury. At the slightest suspicion should seek medical attention. Before the inspection doctor the patient is recommended to save the style of life, you can't lift weights, make sudden movements, sleeping on a maximum of a comfortable position. It is forbidden to take the medication without a destination, going to the gym medical.

Diseases of the internal organs

The pain occurs not only in the case of problems with the spine and muscle, the skeleton. She points out irregularities in the functioning of the internal organs. Often, the pain is activated in the process of falling asleep. The irradiacin pain prevents an accurate diagnosis. The patient has no idea why it hurts loin in reality.

The inflammatory processes in the kidneys give back pain in the morning, as well as diseases of the liver and biliary tract. If after sleeping back pain in the area of the blades, is a reason to suspect the inflammatory processes in the lungs (bronchi), especially in the presence of a cough. Another version of events – disruption of the cardiovascular system. Why in the morning it hurts the back of women? It is one of the symptoms of the violation on the part of the reproductive system. The next morning can disturb neurological pain character. For a correct diagnosis it is important to consult a medical expert designated by the complex analysis.

The pain during the pregnancy

In the period of pregnancy, women often suffer from lower back pain immediately after the dream. Your body changes, re-generate. Not worth to be frightened, everything's back to heal after delivery. Growth in the uterus, the baby is located in the center of mass of the mom-to-be, change the gait, it appears the fatigue, it is difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep. More often in pregnant women suffers from back pains in the lumbar area.

the diagnosis

The methods of diagnosis

If it hurts the spine in the morning, be sure to consult your doctor in the first place to a therapist. After gathering the history, and allocating main methods of survey (analysis of urine and blood analysis), the specialist will show you the direction to the diagnosis. If the indicators of analysis of the calm, that is to say, there is no acute inflammatory process, it is the biochemistry of the blood. For the detection of cardiovascular disease-do ecg. These studies help to cut the diseases of the internal organs. In the absence of the therapy of the disease the patient is directed to the traumatologist and nevrologu.

The next phase of the research of the spine, the X-ray will show your general condition, the presence of intervertebral hernias of the deformation processes in the cartilage tissue. Unfortunately, not always this method is quite revealing. Scans only osteo-articular with and guidance of the machine. Not all the changes are recorded in ray.

There is an alternative. Mri magnetic resonance or ct scan will show why the patient in the morning hurts my back. This is the most effective method. The bones and joints are considered from all angles, in consequence, a greater likelihood of detecting the cause of the problem. In case of problems with the corset muscle is applied to the electromyography.

Methods of treatment

Depending on detected the disease, the doctor prescribes the treatment. In severe cases, the patient is sent to the hospital. Most of the diseases that he suffers from back pains in the lumbar region, requires of home regime. If the back pain was just a symptom of the therapy of the disease, treatment specific, at the back of the same are mapped to the pain medicine. In cases of degenerative disc disease requires the realization of reflexology, massage. For the effectiveness of the treatment of injuries of the spinal column named rest, often, the patient will be able to always remain in a horizontal position. Subsequently, you will need a corset or girdle.

As is known, the best treatment is prevention. If a person suffers from back pain after sleep, you must avoid the surge, not to lift weight, not SuperCool. An active lifestyle, gymnastics, swimming, have a positive influence on the state of the back.