The pain in the coccyx or in the area of the tailbone, causes, features, treatment methods

The coccyx is called the of the bottom department of a backbone, formed by 4-5 underdeveloped have gotten the vertebrae. When these vertebrae were the support of the tail of the ancestors of man, and is now tail bone – rudimentary, unnecessary body. However, this rudiment of the injuries and illnesses that can cause a person serious pain and discomfort: you can not normally sit and walk, even to sleep, it is difficult to find a comfortable position.

Often the patient, even to himself can not determine the exact location of the pain, and complains of your doctor about the pain in the area of the tailbone (this type of pain is called anorectal). The pain, in reality, the coccyx is called coccyalgia.

back pain the tail bone

Professionals should decide if the pain is caused by diseases and injuries, in reality, the coccyx, or the pain sensations coming from other organs (bowel, the bones of the pelvis, the urinary organs), and simply "give" in the coccyx. The solution of this question, and the treatment.

The causes of pain in the coccyx

  • The effects of the injury.
  • Of the disease to the vertebral column, affect, and the coccyx (osteochondrosis, the displacement of the intervertebral discs, the violation of the nerve endings, and others).
  • Diseases of the muscles and nerves of the pelvis.
  • Pathological process in the bones of the pelvis.
  • Disease rectum or in the sigmoid colon (hemorrhoids, sigmoid, proctitis, fissure of the rectum).
  • The omission of the crotch (for example, because of the difficult delivery).
  • The perineal trauma during childbirth (bleeding in the fat deposits of fiber, bone of the tail).
  • The excessive extension of the back during the labor.
  • Rubtsovie of the strain on the anus, have emerged as a complication of the surgery.
  • The violation of the activity of the intestine, that lead to frequent constipation or diarrhea, and, in consequence, the habit of a lot of time sitting on the toilet.
  • Diseases of the organs of the urinary system (cystitis, adneksit etc).
  • Cyst the tailbone.
  • The habit of constantly sitting in the upholstered furniture.
  • Emotional upheavals, stress.
  • The garments (jeans), exerts pressure on the coccyx.
  • Idiopathic pain (pain of unclear origin). These pains may occur suddenly and suddenly disappear. About 1/3 of all the pains in the field of the rump refers to idiopathic.

Characteristic of the pains in the coccyx of different diseases

The pain after the injury

The injury most often causes a strong, strong, a sharp pain in the coccyx. Injury to the coccyx (bone fracture, fracture, injury, dislocation, dislocation) may occur if not exceed the drop or impact in the area of the buttocks. The pain after the injury can be nature of the attacks, or be permanent. When walking and in a sitting position intensifies. Location post-traumatic pain diverse: in the coccyx, or near it (up, down, sideways).

Normally, the pain in the area of the tailbone occur right after the injury. But in some cases it may be lightly pronounced and rapidly extends, and within a few years, when the patient has already forgotten trauma, suddenly appear strong, burning pain.

The coccyx pain match the pain in the low back, sacrum

To the osteochondrosis, cyst of the spine in the lumbar spine or sacro department characterized by the combination of pain in the coccyx, with pain in the lower back, in the sacrum. The main complaints of the patient – pain in the back, and by the way – that the pain "da" in the coccyx.

The same clinical picture is seen when you break the nerve endings of the lumbar spine and sacrum departments of the spinal column. Violation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica), accompanied by urgent, severe pains in the coccyx or above it.

Lumbar and sacral pains accompanied by pain in the the coccyx also with hemorrhoids, diseases of the colon.

The pain in the coccyx, when thou risest up

These pains characteristic for injuries to coccyx. Often associated with the postoperative scars in the groin, or with solder in the cavity of the pelvis, also emerged after the surgery.

The coccyx pain when bending

The pain of tipping are usually the result of chronic inflammatory processes in the organs of the area of the coccyx (in the intestine or the bladder, the uterus, and epididymis).

The pain in the coccyx when tilts occur when the patient has the following diseases:

  • systemic;
  • colitis;
  • sigmoid;
  • cystitis;
  • adneksit;
  • endometritis and other

Radiating pain in the tail bone

As already mentioned, the radiating pain in the bone of the tail, are characteristic of the degenerative disc disease, the cysts of the spine, as well as for hemorrhoids, inflammatory processes in the joints of the hip, diseases of the colon, and other Such can cause pain and postoperative scarring.

The pain in the coccyx, when sitting

back pain the tail bone in women

The cause of these pains is a constant habit of sitting in the upholstered furniture. The bone of the tail when it is in the wrong position. In the vessels that supply blood to your blood, will produce stagnant phenomenon. This leads to the deposition of salts in the vertebrae that make up the tail bone, and the emergence of pains.

Pain in the coccyx, the seat complain about athletes, bicyclists, and people who deal with the horse. Next to them the cause of the pain of the other: micro-injury coccyx, which arise during the practice of these specific sports.

The pain in the coccyx, the seat of possibility of women after childbirth, when it produced its deformation (excessive extension of the intervertebral joints).

Finally, the pain in the coccyx, especially in the rear seat, is characteristic of the dermoid cysts of the rump. Dermoid cyst is a congenital defect of the development, which includes education within the rump of the cavity, fills the skin and the fabric with the increase of hair.

Plaintive laments and pulling pain in the coccyx

Pain in the coccyx may lead to inflammation of the internal genital organs (if prostatitis or adenoma of prostate in men, and inflammation of the ovaries and the fallopian tubes in the woman).

Pulling coccyx pain is another symptom of degenerative disc disease lumbar or sacral parts of the vertebral column. Sometimes the problem occurs when the hemorrhoid, as well as the duty to seat on the toilet in relation to frequent constipation.

The pain below the coccyx

The pain of this kind occur when the omission of the crotch, if you have post-operative scars in the anal area, in the diseases of the rectum. It is characterized by pain under the coccyx and of the injury (fracture, injury, subluxation' coccyx), which occurred a few years ago.

The pain above the tailbone

The sensation of pain, located above the tailbone, are neuralgia' (inflammation of the nerves of the lumbar or sacral parts of the vertebral column).

The pain in the coccyx when monthly

These pains may accompany many neurological diseases. Reasonable to start the examination with the consultation of the gynecologist and, only eliminating gynecologic pathology, head to nevrologu.

The pain in the tailbone during pregnancy and after childbirth

Pregnant women often cause discomfort in the area of the tailbone. The pain in the tailbone during pregnancy can have several causes:

  • Injury to the coccyx, which occurred a few years ago and not recovered.
  • The lack of calcium and bone system.
  • Inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs.
  • The physiological changes in the body: in the preparation for the birth of the activities of the organs of the pelvis change its normal position. The fruit grows, the uterus increases, moving their bodies from side to side. The bone of the tail when it is bent back. And because of that the vertebrae of the tailbone spliced with each other, this variation is very painful.

The coccyx pain after childbirth say experienced gynecologist, who has produced a generic injury: complicated births caused a hemorrhage in the soft tissues surrounding the bone of the tail, or the same is produced its excessive extension (it is possible with the large dimensions of the fetus).

The pain in the coccyx men

In men, pain in the coccyx can be caused by the so-called "optimise the disease." This disease occurs when are usually mounted on unsprung transport vehicles (track tractors, in the army – in tanks, armored vehicles). The load on the bone of the tail when it leads in this technology excessive. She may be the cause of the inflammation of the puncture of the fly, or cyst of the rump. This movement, or a cyst, is a hollow tube that goes under the skin from the end of the tailbone and ending blindly.

Inflammation puncture and running and is called "optimise the disease." If the inflammation continues in purulent phase, often forms a fistula – pus makes its way outward. The treatment is only surgical.

back pain the coccyx during pregnancy

How to treat pain in the coccyx

The analysis of

To effectively treat the pain in the coccyx, it is important to determine the cause. The patient with these pains must go firstly to the proctologist. This specialist if necessary, and sends to the patient (patient) to a gynecologist, nevrologu, the surgeon, osteopath. Sometimes is necessary the help of a therapist.

Each one of these physicians to not only examine patients, but also and very in detail your question. The patient must be willing to tell you in detail about the nature of pain, its location, to remember previous injuries and endured the surgery.

Near the part of the patients with pain in the coccyx, an accurate diagnosis cannot be established. Then apply symptomatic treatment, and in most cases produces good results. Sometimes the pain in the coccyx go away by themselves without treatment. But wait it is not necessary - when there is this kind of pain contact your doctor.

The main aspects of the treatment

In most cases, the pain in the coccyx heal by conservative methods (i.e., without surgical intervention). The comprehensive treatment that includes the patient at rest, analgesia medicamentous means, the recovery of the violation of the circulation of the blood with the help of massage, manipulative therapy, physiotherapy, exercise physiotherapy exercises.

All identified co-morbidities are of mandatory treatment.

To remove or decrease the negative emotions are applied (after the consultation of the psychiatrist) neuropsychotropic drugs.

Any kind of help you can not do that the doctors only aches and pains in the coccyx patients who are pregnant. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications are contraindicated in pregnant women. Radiology-diagnostic, is also excluded. Therefore, the women have to endure the pain in the coccyx, putting it under the soft pillow or inflatable rubber circle in the form of thread (sold in pharmacies).

Sit in a circle, it is recommended not only to pregnant women, but also to all patients with pain from that location. It is simple, the device removes the burden and pressure on the tail bone at the time of seating, which reduces the sensation of pain.

Chiropractic, massage, iglorefleksoterapija

The pain in the coccyx considerably facilitated with the help of digital massage of the rectal muscles and the massage of the pelvic floor muscles (if you have your spasm).

Techniques of manipulative therapy performed by a specialist with experience, improve the blood circulation in the area of the tailbone, removing blood stasis, relieve spasm of the muscles and help to restore the range of movement of the rump.

Iglorefleksoterapija (acupuncture) is often applied to pain in the coccyx significantly decrease its intensity. The correct choice of the biologically active points for acupuncture can relieve the pain.


Of the techniques of physical therapy the pain in the coccyx apply:

  • ultrasound;
  • lazeroterapiya;
  • Uhf;
  • electrotherapy (electrode is inserted in the rectum);
  • diadynamic currents;
  • darsonval;
  • with appliques of paraffin;
  • of mud;
  • the heat ozokerite.

Therapeutic exercise

Participate in physical activities, perform morning exercises to the person with pain in the coccyx is not only possible, but necessary. With some limitations: the exercises should be excluded running, jumping, fast walking, strong inprobus movement, strain.

Gymnastics for the pain of the coccyx should include the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back on the floor, bend the knees, and dilute it in part. Put the palm of your hands on the inside of the knee. Try to join knees, at the same time face at the hands of this movement.The number of repetitions – from 8 to 12 times with short intervals (10-15 sec.).
  2. In the same position clamped between the knees bent ball (football, volleyball or another of the same size). The palm of the hands to put in the belly. With the effort of compressing the knees of the ball for 5-7 seconds while the palms of the hands preventing protrusion of the belly.The number of repetitions – 6 to 8 times with the same intervals of time for leisure, as in the first exercise.
  3. Lying on the back, hold the ball between the feet, grinding the feet. With the effort of compressing the ball of the foot for 5-7 seconds. The number of repetitions – 6 to 8 times; intervals – 10-15 seconds.
  4. Lying on the back, raising the hand bent in the knee of the leg and lifting the pelvis in 3-5 seconds. The buttocks should prepare for the consequences. The number of repetitions – 6 to 8 times; intervals – 10-15 seconds.

All the exercises for the pain of the coccyx, the patient should be performed slowly, serene, rhythmically, a break between the repetitions of the exercises. You can include pleasant music. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to do a series of exercises two times a day.

Home remedies

back pain the tail bone treatment

When the coccyx pain folk medicine applies the following tools:

  • The effect of magnet: ring magnet moves in the area of the tailbone in a circle in sense of the needles of the clock, for 15 to 20 minutes, 2-3 times a day.
  • Compress with the tincture of valerian: a piece of cotton fabric to moisten the tincture of valerian, to put on the sore spot. The top of the cover with a piece of polythene and then some warm mid layer (fleece, scarf, etc). Secure the compress with adhesive plaster and leave it overnight.
  • Fir oil to rub on the area of the coccyx 3 times a day. Helps to relieve inflammation and reduces pain.
  • Lubrication of iodine: in the evening, before bedtime, preheated area of the coccyx grease the tincture of iodine, and heat wraps. Repeat no more than 2-3 times a week. The duration of treatment is 1.5-2 months.
  • The pack of blue clay: add to 500 grams. the clay one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, mix. Before bedtime, apply a layer of this mixture on the painful area, cover with polyethylene, are isolated (like any pack) and leave it overnight.
  • Swedish juice of radish: mix 300 ml of the juice of juice of radish, 100 ml of alcohol and 200 ml of honey. Rubbing at the sore spot 3 times a day. Store the mixture in the fridge in a glass jar tightly closed.
  • Ointment mummio (when the crisis of the rump): 1/2 oz mummio mix with this amount of rose oil, to obtain the ointment of the consistency of dense sour cream. Rub it on the area of the coccyx 2 times a day.